目录 A.希伯来圣典的诠释 The Interpretation of Hebrew Scriptures 族群建构下的不孕书写——希伯来《圣经》与中国古典文学不孕妇女形象 比较 Barren Writing in the Construction of Nationality: Comparing the images of Barren Women in Hebrew Scriptures and Chinese Literature (Abstract) 圣徒之死:《马加比二书》中的殉道观 The Death of Saints: The View of Martyrdom in II Maccabees (Abstract) 斯宾诺莎所用《圣经》考述 A Critical Review of The Scripture Used by Spinoza (Abstract) B.比较视域下的文本研究 Textual Analysis in Comparative Perspective 生存与秩序:论《天主实义》中利玛窦对佛教轮回说的辩排 Existence and Order: The Belittlement of Ricci on Buddhist Reincarnation Theory in Tian Zhu Shi Yi (Abstract) 论《摩西法与罗马法汇编》——作者、渊源及宗旨 On Collatio Mosaicarum et Romanarum legum: Its Author, Sources and Purposes (Abstract) 斯宾诺莎与阿拉伯一犹太亚里士多德主义:以《神学政治论》为中心董修元 Spinoza and the Arabic-Jewish Aristotelians on Theologico-Political Relationship (Abstract) “崇信”与“敬德”:希伯来“先知”与儒家“圣人”政治构设的不同路径王强伟 Religious Belief First or Virtue First: A Co mparative Research on the Political Blueprints of Hebrew Prophets and Confucian Sages (Abstract) C.当代语境的犹太政治 Contemporary Judaic Politics 以色列的基布兹改革及其对我国社会主义新农村建设的启示 The Reform of Israeli Kibbutz and Its Enlightenment to the Soist New Countryside Construction (Abstract) 从犹太宗教党派的参政实践看以色列政党制度的特点 The Political Behavior of the Jewish Religious Parties in Israeli Multi-Party System (Abstract) 阿伦特与犹太政治 Hannah Arendt and Jewish Politics (Abstract) D.近代思潮中的犹太精神 Jewish Ethos in Modern Context 圣爱与欲爱张力下的拉内爱观念:反思爱的双重诫命 Karl Rahners Idea of Love in the Duality of Agape and Eros: Reflection on the Double Commandment of Love (Abstract) 代“贱民”以“离民”:解析马克斯·韦伯的古犹太民族 Replace Pariah" with Deserter": An Analysis of Max Webers Ancient Jewish Nation (Abstract) E.研究综述与书评 Literature Review and Book Review 艾萨克·巴什维斯·辛格的美国性与犹太性:札记一则 A Note on the American-ness and Jewishness of Isaac Bashevis Singer (Abstract)