第一部分|集思广益聚智慧/001 Part I Brainstorm for Wisdom-gathering 【按照议题分类排序】 新时代危机防范体制建设的建议/003 The Development of China’s Crisis Prevention System in the New Era/014 新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情主要应对模式比较与思考/028 The Comparison of Different COVID-19 Epidemic Control Measures/039 疫情常态化下中国数字化发展的机遇和挑战/052 Opportunities & Challenges of China’s Digital Development under the Regular Epidemic Prevention and Control Measures/060 政府、社会组织和企业“黄金三角”合作机制提升应急救援能力/072 Golden Triangle Partnership among Government, Business & Civil Society to Enhance Emergency Response and Disaster Relief Capabilities/079 发挥制度优势,完善全民健康体系/089 Utilize System Advantages to Improve the National Health System/095 新冠肺炎疫情对制定企业传染性疾病应急预案的启示/103 What COVID-19 Tells about Corporate Pandemic Preparedness/114 应急响应机制与经验及对中国企业的借鉴意义/128 Rio Tinto’s Emergency Responding Mechanism/138 从新冠肺炎疫情看制造业供应链的应对与启示/149 Response of Supply Chain in Manufacturing Sector to COVID-19 and Revelations/159 5G 应用赋能疫情常态化下经济转型/173 Key 5G Applications: Enablers of Economic Transformation & Industry Upgrading under the Regular Epidemic Prevention and Control Measures/186 完善供应链建设,保障粮油物资供应――新冠肺炎疫情的启示/205 How to Improve the Supply Chain in the Grain and Oilseeds Industry to Secure Supplies for Livelihoods/214 互联网医疗在疫情防控与日常医疗中的作用/226 The Role of Internet Healthcare in Pandemic Control & Daily Care/230 把握汽车行业规律,力保全球产业链/236 Grasping Automotive Industry Principle & Safeguarding the Global Industry Chain/246 疫情对物流行业的挑战与机遇/258 Challenges & Opportunities of the Epidemic to the Logistics Industry/270 国际突发公共卫生事件对航空业的影响及对策建议/286 Impacts of International Public Health Emergency and Recommendation of Countermeasures on Aviation Industry from the Epidemic/295 2020 年大变局之文化影视行业新思考/308 Film and Television Industry in the Disruptive Changes of 2020/316
第二部分|抗击疫情在行动/329 Part II Actions for Fighting COVID-19 【按照新闻发布时间先后排序】 齐心必胜!赛诺菲通过中国红十字基金会捐赠100 万元人民币/331 Sanofi Announced the Donation of RMB 1 Million to Chinese Red Cross Foundation /332 共抗疫情,嘉吉捐赠350 万元现金及防护物资/333 Cargill Donates RMB 3.5 Million to Help Fight the New Coronavirus Pneumonia/334 雅诗兰黛集团累计捐赠现金及物资1500 万元人民币驰援新冠肺炎疫情/335 Estée Lauder Companies has Donated Cash and Supplies in the Cumulative Amount of RMB15 Million to Support the Fight against the Novel Coronavirus-infected Pneumonia/336 太古集团宣布捐赠人民币1000 万元用于支援抗击新型冠状病毒感染的肺炎疫情/338 Swire Group Announcement of Donation of RMB 10 Million for Providing Aid in Combating the Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia Epidemic /339 抗击疫情,路易达孚在行动/340 LDC in Action: Fighting COVID-19/341 高通捐款700 万元人民币,支持抗击新冠肺炎疫情/342 Qualcomm Donates RMB 7 Million in Support of Efforts to Combat the Coronavirus/343 IBM 捐款200 万元支持中国抗击新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情/344 IBM Donated RMB 2 Million to Support China’s Fight against Novel Coronavirus/345 霍尼韦尔捐赠价值100 万美元物资助力武汉抗击新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情/346 Honeywell Donates US $1 Million in Equipment to Support Fight against Coronavirus in Wuhan/348 凯雷及员工捐助300 万元善款物资 驰援湖北疫区一线/350 Carlyle and Its Employees Donate RMB 3 Million in Cash and Medical Supplies to Support Frontline Medical and Support Staff in China’s Most Affected Areas/351 安博与武汉同在,与湖北同在,与中国同在/352 PROLOGIS with Wuhan, with Hubei & with China/354 大众汽车集团(中国)携旗下大众、奥迪、保时捷、宾利和斯柯达等品牌,与合资企业一道,共同捐资1.2亿元人民币抗击疫情/356 Volkswagen Group China and Its Joint Ventures to Collectively Donate RMB 120 Million to Combat Coronavirus Outbreak/358 亚马逊筹措全球逾百万件医疗物资驰援疫情严重省份,中国加油!/360 Amazon Donates Millions of Items to Healthcare Professionals of Affected Cities in China/362 耐克捐资1000 万元支持抗击疫情/363 Nike Donates RMB 10 Million to Help Wuhan against COVID-19/364 BP 中国捐赠逾300 万元人民币的物资和现金,为抗击疫情贡献一臂之力/365 BP Donated RMB 3 Million worth of Medical Protective Materials and Funds to the Epic Center to Fight against the COVID-19 Pandemic/370 与时间竞速,施耐德电气紧急援建火神山、雷神山医院/375 Schneider Electric Provides Emergency Support for Huoshenshan Hospital and Leishenshan Hospital in Wuhan/377 高盛集团捐赠100万美元支持中国应对新型冠状病毒/379 Goldman Sachs Committing A Total of US$1 Million to Support China’s Efforts to Tackle the Coronavirus Outbreak/380 并肩战“疫”!力拓助力中国抗击新型冠状病毒疫情/381 Rio Tinto Supports China’s Fight against COVID-19 Outbreak/382 “蒂”结同心 共“克”时艰――蒂森克虏伯积极支持抗击新冠肺炎疫情/383 Be of One Mind and Overcome Difficulties Together -thyssenkrupp Actively Supports the Fight against the Coronavirus/385 ABB 支持抗击疫情,积极复工复产/387 ABB Supports Fight against COVID-19 and Actively Resumes Work and Production/389 群策群力,为武汉加油!为中国加油!/391 Pool the Wisdom and Efforts of All to Fight against COVID-19/393 标普全球捐赠100 万元人民币支持抗击新型冠状病毒/396 S&P Global Awards A Grant of RMB 1 Million to Support Frontline Health Workers and Hospitals/398 必和必拓支援中国战“疫”,与中国共克时艰/399 BHP Makes a Donation to Fight Coronavirus/400 共同抗疫,杜邦始终在前线/401 DuPont in the Frontline of Epidemic Control/403 卡特彼勒陈其华:中国终将打赢这场艰难的战“疫”/405 Qihua Chen of Caterpillar: China will Persevere during this Difficult Time/407 聚焦落实 放眼长远――梅赛德斯-奔驰星愿基金公布首笔捐款落实细则宣布再捐2000 万元用于持续战疫/409 Mercedes-Benz Star Fund Donates an Additional RMB 20 Million against COVID-19 and Shares Initial Donation Execution/413 帝斯曼中国捐款100 万元人民币并分批捐赠超过一亿片维生素C 产品驰援疫情防控/418 DSM China Donates to Support Efforts Amidst COVID-19 Outbreak/420 同心协力,抗击疫情/422 In the Fight Together/423 众志成城,共克时艰!捷豹路虎多措并举,驰援中国抗“疫”/424 Jaguar Land Rover Takes Consecutive Actions to Support the Fight against COVID-19 in China/426 辉瑞中国心系抗疫一线/428 Pfizer China Supported Anti-Coronavirus Battle in China/430 马士基集团捐赠价值超200 万元医用物资并助力救援物资运输,共抗疫情/432 A.P. Moller C Maersk Donates Medical Materials with Value over RMB 2 Million and Assists in the Transportation of Relief Supplies to Fight against the Epidemic/434 阿斯利康捐赠雾化祛痰药物增援疫情防控/436 AstraZeneca’s Added Donation of Atomization Expectorant Medicines to Fight COVID-19/438 思爱普追加千万抗“疫”捐赠,数字化助力湖北中小企业复产复工,再现活力/440 SAP Donates Millions More in Pandemic Support C Using Digital Means to Empower Hubei SMEs Regain Vitality/442 诺基亚与中国携手共克时艰/444 Nokia Joining Forces with China to Go Through the Difficult Times/446 一切都会好起来!/449 I Will Be There for You!/450 UPS 向中国运送超过400 万只口罩及防护装备,助力中国抗击疫情/451 UPS Airlifted More than 4 Million Masks and Protective Gear to China to Help Combat the Spread of the Coronavirus/453 渣打捐款260 万元支持中国抗击新冠肺炎疫情/455 Standard Chartered Donated RMB 2.6 Million Supporting the Fight against COVID-19 in China/457 阿尔斯通战“疫”任务之口罩供给:一个也不能少/459 Alstom’s Coronavirus Mask Mission C Ensuring No One is Left Behind/461 雅培中国捐赠总额超4100 万元现金和医疗物资助力抗击疫情/463 Abbott Donates RMB 41 Million Worth of Medical Supplies and Funding to Support Relief Efforts for the Coronavirus Outbreak in China/465