List of illustrations Introduction Ⅰ.Jade and other stone implements Ⅱ.Jade symbols of sovereign power Ⅲ.Astronomical instruments of jade Ⅳ.Jade as writing-meterial Ⅴ.Jade in religious worship-The Jade images of the cosmic deities Ⅵ.Jade coins and seals Ⅶ.Personal ornaments of jade Ⅷ.Jade amulets of the dead Ⅸ.Jade objects used in dressing the corpse Ⅹ.Jade carvings of fishes,quadrupeds and human figures in the grave Ⅺ.Vases of jade Ⅻ Jade in the eighteenth century Appendix Ⅰ.Jade in buddhist art Appendix Ⅱ.The nephrite question of Japan Bibliogaphy Index