Chapter 1 Introduction to Research Paper Writing: Getting Started 1.1 What is research? 1.2 What are the purposes of doing research? 1.3 Basic types of research 1.4 Steps to conduct research 1.5 Necessary qualities for a good student-researcher Chapter 2 Author-reader Relationship and the Academic Style 2.1 Know your readers 2.2 Author-reader relationship 2.3 Language features of general writing vs. academic writing 2.4 Language features: Verbs 2.5 Language features: Nouns Chapter 3 From Topics to Problems 3.1 From interests to research topics 3.2 Analysis of sample topics 3.3 What makes a good title? Chapter 4 Finding and Using Sources 4.1 Types of sources 4.2 Evaluating Internet sources 4.3 Finding the sources 4.4 Annotated bibliographies Chapter 5 Structuring a Research Paper 5.1 Different phases of writing a paper 5.2 Three major types of structure 5.3 Analysis of sample \"Table of Contents\" Chapter 6 Writing an Introduction 6.1 The purposes of introduction 6.2 Moves in writing an introduction 6.3 Introduction in linguistics and literature papers 6.4 Alternative ways to write an introduction 6.5 Outlining the research paper Chapter 7 Reviewing the Literature (Ⅰ) 7.1 Purpbses ofwritirig a literature review 7.2 Features of a good literature review 7.3 Organization of a literature review Chapter 8 Reviewing the Literature (Ⅱ) 8.1 Why do we cite? 8.2 Common citation practices 8.3 Pitfalls in citation 8.4 High frequency reporting verbs 8.5 Choice of adjectives and adverbs Chapter 9 Making Claims with Supporting\'Evidence 9.1 Making claims 9.2 Seperating facts from opinions 9.3 Hedging devices 9.4 Visual communication Chapter 10 Drafting the Thesis 10.1 Outlining the thesis 10.2 Steps to draft a paper 10.3 Signposting Chapter 11 The Final Touch: Abstracts, Acknowledgements and References 11.1 Organization of an abstract 11.2 Analysis of some sample abstracts 11.3 Writing acknowledgements 11.4 Citation styles: APA or MLA\" Bibliography Appendix: Keys to exercises