¥ 63.19 5.3折 ¥ 119 九五品
作者[阿根廷]古斯塔沃·伍 著
本书以旅行日记的形式,讲述了阿根廷著名媒体人伍志伟(Gustavo Ng)作为最早移民阿根廷的华人的后代,第一次游历祖先国度寻根的经历。他从香港出发,一路北上,行至新疆,最后到达上海,走遍了中国20多个城市,行程一万多公里。他用文字、照片,以及与中国著名文人的对话等形式,以个人经历服务于中国与阿根廷,甚至拉美人民的友谊。
In the form of traveling dairy, this book tells the story of the famous Argentine media person, Mr. Gustavo Ng, who traveled to his ancestral country to find his roots for the first time, as a descendant of earliest Chinese immigrants to Argentina. He set off from Hong Kong, travelled northward to Xinjiang, and finally arrived Shanghai, having travelled more than 20 cities, covering a distance of more than 10,000 kilometers. With words, photographs and dialogues with famous Chinese literati, he recorded his personal experience to deepen the friendship between the people of China and Argentine, and even Latin America.
古斯塔沃·伍(Gustavo Ng),中文名伍志伟,中阿混血,是阿根廷籍知名媒体人。他长期致力于在阿根廷等国家推广中华传统文化,2018年在阿根廷荣获“文化推广杰出贡献奖”。他创办的杂志《当代》,是布宜诺斯艾利斯市政府重点扶持的文化项目之一。著有《关于中国,你需要知道的一切》(西文)、《秋天的蝴蝶》(西文),也曾撰写反映阿根廷中国移民家庭代际冲突的剧本《谢谢你,爷爷》,反映布宜诺斯艾利斯的台湾和广东移民故事的纪录片《南方人》(Arribeños)主要撰稿人之一。
Gustavo Ng, whose Chinese name is Wu Zhiwei, is a Chinese-Argentinian hybrid and a well-known Argentine media person. He has been committed to promoting traditional Chinese culture in Argentina and other countries for a long time. In 2018, he won the "Cultural Promotion Outstanding Contribution Award" in Argentina. The magazine "Dang Dai" he founded is one of the cultural projects supported by the Buenos Aires city government. He is the author of "Everything You Need to Know about China" (Todo lo quenecesitas saber sobre China) and "Butterfly of Automn" (Mariposa de Otoño). He also wrote the script "Thank You, Granpa" (Gracias, Abuelo) that reflects the intergenerational conflicts of Chinese immigrant families in Argentina. He is one of the main contributors to the documentary "Southerners" (Arribeños) which tells Buenos Aires\' Taiwan and Guangdong immigration stories.
Prólogo 1 El regalo de la señora Li Xiaolin / 001
Prólogo 2 Mi vida como chino argentino / 002
Capítulo 1 Hong Kong / 001
Capítulo 2 Zhuhai / 014
Capítulo 3 Taishan / 022
Capítulo 4 Guangzhou / 045
Capítulo 5 Yangshuo / 054
Capítulo 6 Guilin / 072
Capítulo 7 De Guilin a Chengdu / 082
Capítulo 8 Chengdu / 092
Capítulo 9 Wenchuan y las aldeas de los qiang / 107
Capítulo 10 Urumqi / 122
Capítulo 11 Kashgar / 134
Capítulo 12 Turpan / 156
Capítulo 13 De Turpan a Lanzhou / 169
Capítulo 14 Lanzhou / 175
Capítulo 15 De Lanzhou a Xi’an / 185
Capítulo 16 Xi’an / 192
Capítulo 17 De Xi’an a Beijing / 208
Capítulo 18 Beijing / 219
Capítulo 19 De Beijing a Shanghai / 242
Capítulo 20 Shanghai / 246
Epílogo / 260
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