本套书收录詹同创作于60~80年代的经典动物题材儿童漫画作品共10部,包含《动物园》《龟兔赛跑》《猪八戒吃西瓜》《狐狸学老虎》《小熊拔牙》《不听话的山羊》《两只小猫》《水獭和蟾蜍》《小鸽子救火》《乌鸦和狐狸》等分册,主题涉及情绪管理、团结友爱、勤劳智慧等多个方面,适合小读者读图,也适合亲子共读。本书旨在为父母提供解决与孩子相处中出现的种种问题的一种思路。 《狐狸学老虎》是詹同先生绘画、方轶群先生撰写的图画故事书作品。故事讲述的是:狐狸看了一遍老虎捉野牛的全过程就觉得自己会捉野牛了,于是学着老虎的样子去捉驴子,结果反被驴子踢得逃跑了。故事情节生动、有趣、紧凑,画风传统、夸张、活泼,适合儿童阅读。 本书已出版过中文版与西班牙文版。除本书与《小熊拔牙》之外,本丛书另外8种已出版英文版,此次推出本书英文版为“读给孩子的成长寓言”的多语种出版工作收尾。Selected Works of Zhan Tong comprises 10 classic animal-themed children’s cartoons created by Mr. Zhan Tong, a famous children’s artist and honorary-prize winner of “Golden Monkey Comic Award of China”, from the 1960s to the 1980s. It includes Race Between the Tortoise and the Hare, The Vain Fox, In the Zoo,Zhu Bajie Eating Watermelons, Little Bear Pulls a Tooth, Silly Young Billy Goat, The Otter and The Toad, Little Pigeon Fights a Fire, Crow and Fox, and Two Kittens. Among them, In the Zoo written by Lin Songying, a famous writer of children’s literature, and Zhu Bajie Eating Watermelons by Bao Lei, a famous playwright and children’s literature writer, have received multiple awards.Featuring lively, vivid illustrations and witty, inspiring stories, all titles are the masterpieces of an art master, integrating childlike naivety with wisdom. The themes include emotional management, solidarity and love, diligence and wisdom, etc. It is fun yet educational, suitable for parent-child reading and independent reading by children over 6 years old.