Paul Kelly,爱尔兰都柏林工业大学(DIT)的高级讲师Paul Kelly。Kelly 老师长期从事程序设计类课程的教学工作,在程序设计类课程教学方面教学实践经验丰富,在国外已先后出版多本程序设计语言类书籍。苏小红,哈尔滨工业大学计算机学院博士生导师,计算机应用技术专家,研究领域主要是色彩匹配,信息融合,空间计算,人工神经网络,进化算法,计算机图形学,灰色预测,彩色图像处理等。
Chapter One Introduction to C(引言)1
1.1 Brief history of C(C 语言简史)1
1.2 Why programmers use C(为什么程序员爱用C语言)1
1.2.1 C is portable1
1.2.2 C is a structured programming language2
1.2.3 C is efficient2
1.2.4 C is flexible2
1.2.5 C is powerful2
1.2.6 C is concise3
1.3 Developing a C program(开发C 程序)3
1.4 Suggestions for learning C programming(学习C 语言程序设计的建议)4
Chapter Two C Data Types(C数据类型)6
2.1 Constants(常量)6
2.2 Variables(变量)6
2.3 Simple output to the screen(简单的屏幕输出)8
2.4 Comments(注释)9
2.5 Data types(数据类型)10
2.5.1 Short integer data types10
2.5.2 Long integer data types11
2.5.3 Unsigned integer data types11
2.5.4 Double floating-point data type11
2.6 Data type sizes(数据类型的大小)11
Programming pitfalls13
Quick syntax reference13
Chapter Three Simple Arithmetic Operations and Expressions(简单的算术运算和表达式)16
3.1 C operators(C 运算符)16
3.1.1 The assignment operator16
3.1.2 Arithmetic operators17
3.1.3 Increment and decrement operators19
3.1.4 Combined operators21
3.2 Operator precedence(运算符优先级)22
3.3 Type conversions and casts(类型转换与强制类型转换)24
Programming pitfalls26
Quick syntax reference27
Chapter Four Keyboard Input and Screen Output(键盘输入和屏幕输出)30
4.1 Simple keyboard input(简单的键盘输入)30
4.2 Using a width and precision specification in printf()
[在函数printf( )中使用域宽和精度说明]31
4.3 Single-character input and output(单个字符的输入和输出)33
Programming pitfalls35
Quick syntax reference35
Chapter Five Control Statements: if and switch(控制语句:if 和switch)38
5.1 The if statement(if 语句)38
5.2 The if-else statement(if-else 语句)39
5.3 Logical operators(逻辑运算符)41
5.4 Nested if statements(嵌套的if 语句)42
5.5 The switch statement(switch 语句)44
5.6 The conditional operator ?:(条件运算符)46
Programming pitfalls47
Quick syntax reference48
Chapter Six Iterative Control Statements: while, do-while, and for