• Analyzing Performance Problems:Or, You Really Oughta Wanna--How to Figure out Why People Aren't Doing What They Should Be, and What to do About It
  • Analyzing Performance Problems:Or, You Really Oughta Wanna--How to Figure out Why People Aren't Doing What They Should Be, and What to do About It
  • Analyzing Performance Problems:Or, You Really Oughta Wanna--How to Figure out Why People Aren't Doing What They Should Be, and What to do About It
  • Analyzing Performance Problems:Or, You Really Oughta Wanna--How to Figure out Why People Aren't Doing What They Should Be, and What to do About It
  • Analyzing Performance Problems:Or, You Really Oughta Wanna--How to Figure out Why People Aren't Doing What They Should Be, and What to do About It
  • Analyzing Performance Problems:Or, You Really Oughta Wanna--How to Figure out Why People Aren't Doing What They Should Be, and What to do About It
  • Analyzing Performance Problems:Or, You Really Oughta Wanna--How to Figure out Why People Aren't Doing What They Should Be, and What to do About It
  • Analyzing Performance Problems:Or, You Really Oughta Wanna--How to Figure out Why People Aren't Doing What They Should Be, and What to do About It
  • Analyzing Performance Problems:Or, You Really Oughta Wanna--How to Figure out Why People Aren't Doing What They Should Be, and What to do About It
  • Analyzing Performance Problems:Or, You Really Oughta Wanna--How to Figure out Why People Aren't Doing What They Should Be, and What to do About It
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Analyzing Performance Problems:Or, You Really Oughta Wanna--How to Figure out Why People Aren't Doing What They Should Be, and What to do About It

80 八五品



作者Robert F. Mager

出版社Center for Effective Performance






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  • 作者 Robert F. Mager
  • 出版社 Center for Effective Performance
  • 出版时间 1997-05
  • ISBN 9781879618176
  • 装帧 其他
  • 开本 其他
  • 纸张 其他
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