Build word power with these 24 ready-to-reproduce, 3-page lessons. Each lesson includes research-based activities that tap students' prior knowledge for greater understanding and give them multiple encounters with new words so they really remember them. Lesson topics include synonyms, antonyms, compound words, homophones, root words, prefixes and suffixes, and much more. Watch reading skills soar! For use with Grade 4. 全书以美国最新的语言教学研究报告为依据,由语言专家和教育专家为美国四年级学生精心设计。这套练习册不仅能帮助四年级学生巩固已会词汇,同时学生们将通过多样、丰富、有趣的文字游戏和练习轻松掌握新词的含义和用法。 练习内容灵活、开放,具有研究性和挑战性,学生们在思考和练习中能更容易习得新词汇。练习册中不同形式的习题使得学生们在判断、分析、重复不断地使用新词的过程中,自然而然地将生词的词义和用法熟记于心。 词汇练习的主题包括:同义词、反义词、同音异意词、复合词、词根、前缀和后缀,等等。
Linda Ward Beech is a New York City-based writer and editor who has written more than 40 titles for Scholastic Teaching Resources.