Meg, Jo, Amy and Beth - four 'little women' enduring hardships and enjoying adventures in Civil War New England. The charming story of the March sisters, “Little Women” has been adored by generations. Readers have rooted for Laurie in his pursuit of Jo's hand, cried over little Beth's death, and dreamed of traveling through Europe with old Aunt March and Amy. Future writers have found inspiration in Jo's devotion to her writing. In this simple, enthralling tale, both parts of which are included here, Louisa May Alcott has created four of American literature's most beloved women. 《小妇人》是19世界美国著名女作家奥尔科特的代表作,自问世以来被译成了一百多种文字,并多次被搬上银幕,打动了无数读者,尤其是女性读者的心弦。第一个为奥尔科特作传的传记作家埃德拉?切尼评论说:“……又一代人已经成长起来,但是《小妇人》仍然保持着稳定的销量。母亲们读着这些姐妹的童年,延续着自己当年的欢乐……” 《小妇人》在出版后受到读者和评论家的一致好评,被称为美国最优秀的家庭小说之一,而作者本人也因此跻身于著名小说家的行列。 美国图书协会,美国教育协会从评选出的100种小学必备书中又精选出25种,其中《小妇人》位居榜首。
LOUSIA MAY ALCOTT was born in Pennsylvania, in 1832, the second of four daughters. After a period of serving as an army nurse, she published HOSPITAL SKETCHES in 1863, followed by Gothic Romances and lurid thrillers. In 1868-9 she published LITTLE WOMEN, which proved so popular that it was followed by two sequels and several other novels. She died in 1888. 路易莎·梅·奥尔科特(1832—1885) ,美国著名女作家,早年为谋生曾写过一些惊险小说。1868 年,出版了《小妇人》 第一部,从此声名大噪,继而又写出了《小妇人》 的第二部。其作品《小妇人》 是美国文坛上影响最大的作品之一:它被译成100多种文宇,为世界各国的读者所喜爱.尤其对女性读者影响巨大。此外,它对一些女作家的创作也产生过重大影响。