作者 Barbara Barry, Dominique Browning, David Meredith 作者
出版社 Rizzoli
出版时间 2012-10
ISBN 9780847838714
定价 537.00元
装帧 精装
开本 其他
页数 320页
正文语种 英语
The first book from acclaimed interior designer Barbara Barry explores the beauty and principles of good design. Barbara Barry’s work has long been praised for its quiet refinement, soothing palette, and graceful furnishings, as well as for its ravishing tailoring and coloring. In her first book, Barry explores her design philosophy, meditating on the transformative power of beauty. Through a discussion of her principles of good design—simplicity, proportion, and harmony—we discover how to apply these principles to our rooms and to our lives.Through page after page of gorgeous, subtle, feminine interiors, Barry explains her design process and shares thought-provoking stories. She discusses what inspires her, from the quality of light to the colors of nature, and illustrates how she utilizes nature in decoration. From the simple strength of a white plate to the sensual elegance of a well-made bed, Barry explains why a gracious life, a well-ordered life, a life around beauty is the only one worth living. In Barbara’s world, every detail is harmonious. Comprehensive and beautifully designed, this unique book is a collector’s piece for all design fans.