Get LinkedIn and become part of the largest online network ofprofessionals in the world! When you know how to make the most of your profile, manage yourcontacts, and handle invitations effectively, you'll go far. Withmore than 70 million members, LinkedIn presents an invaluableopportunity to make connections, find a job, get a better salary,market a business, attract investors, and much more. This secondedition offers new advice to help you market yourself, grow yourbusiness, and take your professional network to all new levels.Veteran author Joel Elad introduces you to the key features ofLinkedIn and explains how LinkedIn works.
Explains how to join LinkedIn, build your profile, start yournetwork, search and grow your network, request and writerecommendations, and keep track of your LinkedIn activities
Includes new and updated content on the latest LinkedIn features,tools, and trends in the market Offers tips for finding a job, employees, professional services,potential investors, and more Presents valuable advice for marketing yourself and your business,developing strategic partnerships, and cultivating salesleads
Don't be left out—get LinkedIn—and start networking with the tipsand advice shared in LinkedIn For Dummies, 2nd Edition!
Joel Elad, MBA, is the head of Real Method Consulting, acompany dedicated to educating people through training seminars,DVDs, books, and other media. He is the author or coauthor ofseveral books, including Facebook Advertising For Dummies, Startingan Online Business All-in-One For Dummies, and Web StoresDo-It-Yourself For Dummies.
Part I: LinkedIn Basics.
Chapter 1: Looking into LinkedIn.
Chapter 2: Sign Me Up!
Chapter 3: Building Your Profile.
Part II: Finding Others and Getting Connected.
Chapter 4: Searching LinkedIn.
Chapter 5: Managing Introductions and InMail.
Chapter 6: Growing Your Network.
Chapter 7: Using LinkedIn Answers.
Part III: Growing and Managing Your Network.
Chapter 8: Exploring the Power of Recommendations.
Chapter 9: Keeping Track of Your LinkedIn Activities.
Chapter 10: Using LinkedIn with Your E-Mail and Browser.
Part IV: Finding Employees, Jobs, and Services.
Chapter 11: Finding Employees.
Chapter 12: Finding a Job.
Chapter 13: Finding Professional Services.
Part V: Using LinkedIn for Everyday Business.
Chapter 14: Getting Connected with LinkedIn Groups.
Chapter 15: Marketing Yourself and Your Business.
Chapter 16: Using LinkedIn to Increase Your Sales.
Chapter 17: Venture Capital and Angel Funding.
Chapter 18: Miscellaneous Creative Uses of LinkedIn.