How did the replication bomb we call life begin and where inthe world, or rather, in the universe, is it heading? Writing withcharacteristic wit and an ability to clarify complex phenomena (theNew York Times described his style as the sort of science writingthat makes the reader feel like a genius), Richard Dawkinsconfronts this ancient mystery.
Richard Dawkins is an evolutionary biologist renownedthroughout the world. He was educated at Oxford and taught zoologybefore becoming the first holder of the Charles Simonyi Chair ofthe Public Understanding of Science at Oxford University, in 1995.His previous books rank among the most influential intellectualworks of our time., They include THE SELFISH GENE (1976), RIVER OUTOF EDEN (1995), and UNWEAVING THE RAINBOW (1999). --This textrefers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.