Henry David Thoreau's masterwork, Walden, is a collection of hisreflections on life and society. His simple but profound musings-aswell as "Civil Disobedience," his protest against the government'sinterference with civil liberty-have inspired many to embrace hisphilosophy of individualism and love of nature.
Henry David Thoreau (1817-1862) was an essayist, poet,philosopher, and anti-slavery activist. Among his other notablebooks are A Week on the Concord and Merrimack Rivers andCivil Disobedience. He died of tuberculosis and he is buriedin his family's plot near the graves of his friends Hawthorne,Alcott, Emerson, and Channing on Author's Ridge in Concord's SleepyHollow Cemetery. --This text refers to an out of print orunavailable edition of this title.