内容简介: 准确判断重大自然灾害的发生趋势,是灾害地理研究的关键问题。本书系统阐述了重大地震灾害时空对称性研究方法,并通过该方法研究了世界环太平洋地震带、欧亚地震带(地中海-喜马拉雅地震带)范围内的典型区域地震灾害的时空对称性规律,探求各地地震灾害发生的时空窗口期,对各地重大地震灾害的未来趋势进行了初步判断。其中,很多地震趋势判断案例已经获得灾害事实的验证。 目录: Chapter 1 An Overview of Space-time Symmetry of Major Natural Disasters 1.1 A Review of Research on Space-time Symmetry of Disasters 1.2 Research Content, Research Objectives and Key Scientific Problems to Be Solved 1.3 Research Approach and Feasibility Analysis 1.4 Progress in Disaster Symmetry Research 1.5 Preliminary Analysis of Natural Commensurability and Its Mechanisms.21 Bibliography Chapter 2 Space-time Symmetry of Strong Earthquakes in the Western Paci- fic 2.1 Symmetrical Space-time Structures of Strong Earthquakes in the Western North Pacific 2.2 Symmetrical Space-time Structures of Strong Earthquakes in the Indonesian Island Arc 2.3 Symmetrical Space-time Structures of Strong Earthquakes in Fiji 2.4 Symmetrical Space-t ...