内容简介: 《动物环境和福利化养殖国际研讨会论文集(2017 英文版)》主要内容为动物养殖环境和动物福利的研究和进展。论文集共分5个专题组44篇论文。每篇论文均为国内外动物养殖环境、动物福利研究的新研究成果,或者是动物养殖环境、动物福利研究成果的实践应用。全书采用英文,图文并茂。主要适用于动物环境和福利化养殖国际研讨会。 目录: Acknowledgements A Message from the Co-Chairs Preflace Theme Ⅰ: Environmental Monito ring and Assessment for Modern Animal Production Spatial and Seasonal varjations of PM Concentration and Size Distribution in Manure-Bell Poultry Layer Houses Distribution of Paniculate Matter and Ammonia in a Mechanically ventilated Layer House Analysis of PM2.5 Distribution in Chicken House and Its Damage on Human Alveolar Epithelial Cells Livestock Farms as Major Emission Source of Atmospheric Panicles in the Netherlands: Lessons Learned and Future Perspectives Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Dairy Farms with Different Manure Management Greenhouse Gas and Ammonia Emissions from the Storage of Recycled Manure Solids as Bedding Material for Dairy Cattle Esti ...