目录 序Acknowledgements前言Chapter 1 Introductory Remarks1.1 About the Principles & Parameters approach 1.2 The unsolved tension between descriptive adequacy and explanatory adequacy observed in the theorizati0h of Mandarin passive constructions 1.3 Theoretical objectives of the book1.4 Outline of the bookChapter 2 Overview of Related Literature: Problems and Partial Conclusions Therein2.0 Introduction2.1 Chomskys Standard Theory (ST) and the Chinese bei-constructions 2.1.1 English passivization in the light of ST2.1.2 Chinese passivization in the light of ST2.1.3 Problems and some preliminary conclusions2.2 Chomskys GB theory and Chinese bei-constructions regarded as passives2.2.1 Maturation of the view on English passivization : by-phrase as a VP-adjunct2.2.2 Establishing the passive status of the bei-less patient subject sentence2.2.3 The categorial status of bei2.2.4 The Case-absorption theory of the English and Chinese passivizations2.2.5 Summary2.3 The GB theory and the Chinese bei-constructions regarded as non-passives2.4 The Minimalist Program and the Mandarin passive studies2.4.1 A brief account of the Minimalist Program and the English passivization in minimalist terms2.4.2 Characterizations of the Chinese passivization in minimalist terms2.5 Recapitulation of this chapter Chapter 3 Remodeling the Chinese Passivization along the Derivational Line3.0 Introduction3.1 Postulation of Va in the Chinese passivization3.1.1 Objections to the view of argument augmentation in Chinese passives3.1.2 Questioning the view of patient subjectivization and/or agent adjunctivization3.1.3 The way out3.2 Conceptualization of Chinese passives and postulation of TdefP3.2.1 Crofts tripartite event ICMs and the \"derived voice\" 3.2.2 Cognitive semantics of Chinese passives 3.2.3 Summary…… Chapter 4 Investigation of Some Remaining Issues Related to the Chinese Passives within the N ew ModelChpater 5 Concluding RemarksBibliography后记