媒体评论 PREFACE China is a large cotmtry boasting highly varied climatic’geographical,tope. Graand vegetative habitats supporting a great diversity of mammalian life。 Five hundred thty-four species of mammals under 14 orders and 56 families five in China,comprising about 12.5%of total living mammalian fauna on earth。 China thus ranks among the most mammalian-diverse coulltl3es in the world。 Wild mammals are a vital component of the natural ecosystem and as such arc indispensable to the well-being of mankind。Since the beginning of human history,man has exploited mammals for his OWtl purposes’i。e.providing him with food,clothing, and medicine’ as well as sport and recreation and even an outlet for human artistic expression.Today,mammals ale exploited for the same pUlpOses as in the past and will continue to be vitally important to man far into the future.In spite of their importance to marl’h...