作者 任力,魏鸿,高润浩著
出版社 五洲传播出版社
ISBN 9787508533223
出版时间 2016-11
装帧 平装
开本 其他
定价 129元
货号 8889578
上书时间 2025-01-03
导语摘要 《孙子兵法》是中国战略理论的经典之作。它深刻揭示了古代战争和战争指导的基本规律,对现代战争仍然具有十分重要的启示意义。任力、魏鸿、高润浩著林戊荪、魏怡译的《名家讲孙子兵法(英文版)》力求以文图并茂的形式,配合古今中外战争实例,对《孙子兵法》原文和孙子的思想进行准确而深入浅出的诠释。 作者简介 任力,中国人民解放军军事科学院资历研究员, 博士生导师,中国孙子兵法研究会副会长。 魏鸿,中国人民解放军军事科学院研究员,中国孙子兵法研究会资历学者。 高润浩,中国人民解放军军事科学院研究人员,中国孙子兵法研究会资历学者 。 目录 IntroductionChapter1 Making AssessmentsChapter 2 Waging WarChapter 3 Attacking by StratagemChapter 4 DispositionChapter 5 DispositionChapter 6 Weaknesses and StrengthsChapter 7 Contest to Gain the InitiativeChapter 8 Varying the TacticsChapter 9 Deploying the TroopsChapter 10 The TerrainChapter 11 Nine RegionsChapter 12 Attacking by FireChapter 13 Using Spies 内容摘要 Chapter1 Making Assessments The chapter of Making Assessments discussed the top-level strategic planning before war. Sun Tzu believed that war is a question of vital importance to the state. It requires careful research, deliberate planning and discreet decision-making. Making Assessments discussed two major issues related to war: the decisive factor of the outcome of war and the guiding principle of commanding in war. These are the basic questions of any military theory and also the foundation of other issues related to war. Sun Tzu’s answers to the questions embody his basic understanding of war and the guiding principles of commanding in war. They are the standing points of his military theory. How to Plot A War: Decision-making in the Imperial Court In ancient China, the place where kings worshipped their ancestors was called “imperial ancestral temple”. It also referred to the imperial court where all military and political events were discussed and decided. This kind of discussions and decisions are called “decision-making in the court”. In the ancestral temples with memorial tablets of past generations displaying, the decisionmakers plotted strategies for wars in solemn and respectful atmosphere. This embodies the prudence and discretion of ancient Chinese toward war. According to Sun Tzu, war is a question of vital importance to the survival of a state and a matter of life and death. Hence, the decisionmakers must make deliberate and meticulous strategies and correct decisions in the court before taking any actions. &nb
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