目录 Can you talk about your day using the VOCA? 5 VOCA 17 Waking up 18 Breakfast 22 Washing up 26 Skin care 30 What to wear 34 Going to work 38 At work 42 At a bar 46 Shopping for jeans 50 Shopping for shoes 54 Having a meal 58 Coffee time 62 Shopping at Costco 66 Watching TV 70 Cleaning a room 74 Doing the laundry 78 Cooking 82 A fall 86 Getting ready for bed 90 My change 94 My dog 97 Office space 101 Fruit punch 105 Murphys law 109 At the gym 113 Catch a movie 117 McDonalds 121 Rock n Roll 125 World Cup 129 Weather forecast 133 At the hospital 137 In the office 141 Colleagues 145 Busy family 149 Relatives 153 My grandmother 157 At a party 161 100th Day Anniversary 165 A workbook of VOCA 169