目录 Section I Introduction Chapter 1 Challenges,constraints and strategies for rice production in China during transition period Section Ⅱ Cultivar Selection Chapter 2 Agronomic characteristics of high-yielding early-season rice cultivars grown under machine-transplanted conditions Chapter 3 Physiological aspects of high grain yield in early-season rice grown under machine transplanted conditions Chapter 4 Effect of delayed transplanting on grain yield in machine-transplanted late-season rice Implication for the importance of selecting short-duration rice cultivars Chapter 5 Availability of existing early-season rice cultivars as resources for selecting short duration cultivars of machine-transplanted late-season rice Chapter 6 Critical yield atributes contributing to high grain yield for early-season rice cultivars grown in the late season under machine-transplanted conditions Section Ⅲ Technology Improvement Chapter 7 Yield response of double-season rice to reducing nitrogen rate Chapter 8 Efect of increasing hill density with reducing nitrogen rate on yield formation in machine-transplanted double-season rice Chapter 9 Effect of single seedling per hill on yield formation in machine-transplanted hyrid rice under high hill density conditions Chapter 10 Developing mechanically dense transplanting of single seedlings for double-season hybrid rice production in China Section IV Cropping System Optimization Chapter 11 Productivity of machine-transplanted double-season rice under three cropping systems Acknowledgements