精彩内容 春节快到了,伊伊跟着爸爸妈妈从新加坡回到北京,与爷爷奶奶一起过春节。虽然只有短短几天,但伊伊结识了一个的朋友——“大狮子”。狮子不仅跟伊伊玩起了跳房子,还聊起了多姿多彩的春节民俗。原来,伊伊虽然生活在新加坡,但那里的春节活动同样精彩。 这里有好吃的、好玩的,动手动脑,带领孩子们一起来过一个趣味十足的春节! It is a series of four titles: Happy Mooncake Festival, Elena!, Happy Dragon Boat Festival, Elena!, Happy Chinese New Year, Elena! and Happy Double Seventh Day, Elena! In each book, readers will celebrate festivals with a little girl named Elena. The author combines festival customs with the modern life, telling about Chinese festivals through the experiences of modern children and showing the spirit of Chinese culture. Also it helps to build up warm parenthood: Elena’s father is disguised as a character of the fairy tale in each book, which gives a big pleasant surprise to Elena.