目录 文学演讲Literary Speeches as a Poet 我的诗歌,来自于我所熟悉的那个文化 My Poetic Inspiration Rooted in the Daliangshan, My Quantock Hills 在全国青年文学创作会议上的发言 Hints for Up-and-coming Ethnic Writers and Poets 莱奥帕尔迪和他的诗将属于不朽 The Fatal Charm of Giacomo Leopardi as a Poet 在纪念意大利诗人莱奥帕尔迪200周年诞辰研讨会上的讲话 A Speech Given at the Bicentenary of Giacomo Leopardis Birth 永远的普希金 The Eternal Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin 献给普希金诞辰二百周年 A Speech Dedicated to the 200th Anniversary of Alexander Pushkins Birth 在全球化语境下超越国界的各民族文学的共同性 Commonality in the Literature of Various Nationalities in the Context of Globalization 在汉城热爱自然文学之家的演讲 A Speech Given at the Love of Nature and Literature Society of Seoul 鲁迅与我们这个时代 Lu Xun and Our Age 在意大利马切拉塔大学的演讲 A Speech Delivered at Macerata University, Italy 为消除人类所面临的精神困境而共同努力 Striving to Reverse the Global Trend of Spiritual Decline 在第42届贝尔格莱德国际作家会议开幕式上的讲话 A Speech Given at the Opening Ceremony of the 42nd International Writers Conference at Belgrade 一个彝人的梦想 A Yi Poets Dream 漫谈我的文学观与阅读生活 By Way of a Personal Testimony to Contemporary Chinese Poetry 当代世界文学语境下的中国诗人写作 Chinese Poetic Writing in the Context of World Literature 在北京师范大学“当代世界文学与中国国际学术研讨会”上的演讲 A Speech Given at an International Workshop Entitled "Contemporary World Literature and China" 多元民族特质文化与文学的人类意识 The Contemporary Culture of Plurality and a Writers Sense of Humanity 在鲁迅文学院少数民族作家创作班上的演讲 A Lecture Given to a Team of Ethnic Writers at Lu Xun Institute of Literature 太阳的使者,大地的祭司——诗人艾青 Herald of Apollo and Shaman of the Earth 在“光明的使者”艾青百年诞辰纪念诗歌朗诵会上的演讲 A Speech Given at the Poetic Reading in Celebration of the Centenary of Ai Qings Birth 诗人的个体写作与人类今天所面临的共同责任 The Individual Writing of a Poet and the Common Responsibilities Facing Mankind 寄往第21届麦德林诗歌节暨首届全球国际诗歌节主席会议上的书面演讲 A Speech Written for the 21st International Poetry Festival of Medellín & the World Meeting of International Poetry Festival Directors 诗歌,通往神话与乌托邦的途径 Poetry as Access into Myth and Utopia 写给第23届麦德林国际诗歌节的书面演讲 A Written Speech for the 23rd International Poetry Festival of Medellín Cultural Speeches as a Cultural Movement Initiator 文化演讲 青海湖国际诗歌节:通向世界的门扉 Qinghai Lake International Poetry Festival—A Door Opened to the World 在首届青海湖国际诗歌节新闻发布会上的讲话 A Speech Given at the Press Release Conference 青海湖诗歌宣言 Manifesto of Qinghai Lake International Poetry Festival 我们向大山呼唤,并倾听它的回声 Mountains Are Beckoning Us to Lend Them an Ear 在世界山地纪录片节高峰论坛上的演讲 A Speech Given at the Summit Forum on China (Qinghai) World Mountain Documentary Festival 大美青海:梦想世界与现实世界的影像 Greater Beauty Qinghai Travel: A Movable Feast of Sights and Sensations Guaranteed 2009年在成都举行的四川金熊猫国际电视节上的演讲 A Speech Given at the 2009 Sichuan Golden Panda International TV Festival 青海,最后净土的入口与现实中的文化创意及其品牌 Qinghai—The Entrance into the Last Pure Land 一个诗人副省长亲身经历并讲述的文化事件 A Poet-politician Talks about Himself at the Nucleus of the Burgeoning Provincial Creativity Industry Agendas 群山的记忆流淌成河 Memories of Our Earliest Beginnings Trickle All the Way down the Mountains 在2010年中国(青海)世界山地纪录片节高峰论坛上的演讲 A Speech Given at the Second Session of China (Qinghai) World Mountain Documentary Festival 神话永远闪烁着远古文明的诗性光辉 Mythology as the "Song of the Universe" and the "Music of the Spheres" 在昆仑神话与世界创世神话国际学术论坛上的演讲 Keynote Speech at the International Conference on Mount Kunlun Mythology vs. the Creation in World Myths 格萨尔与世界史诗 Gesar and World Epics 在“格萨尔与世界史诗国际学术论坛”上的演讲 Address at the International Forum of Gesar and World Epics 我们的继续存在是人类对自身的救赎 We Are Still Here—An Act of Self-redemption for Mankind 在青海国际土著民族诗人圆桌会议上的致辞 An Address at the Indigenous Poets Roundtable Forum 诗歌,见证历史和创造的工具 Poetry Can Anticipate a Bigger Influence in Human Society 在青海湖国际诗歌广场完全落成仪式上的致辞 Address at the Inauguration Ceremony of Qinghai Lake International Poetry Festival Square APPENDIX 附录 Critical Essays by Scholars and Poets 他者评论 Poems by Jidi Majia Amalio Madue?o 吉狄马加诗歌与美国印第安土著诗歌的比较 阿马利奥·马杜埃尼奥 Dans les ?Terres Mythiques? de Jidi Majia Jacques Darras 在吉狄马加的“神奇土地”上 雅克·达拉斯 Muy Lejos, Muy Cerca J. M. Brice?o Guerrero 远在天涯,近在咫尺 J. M. 布利塞尼奥·格雷罗 Jidi Majia as Mystic and Poet Marek Wawrzkiewicz 作为神秘主义者和诗人的吉狄马加 玛莱克·瓦夫日凯维奇 Son of the Nuosu Muse Denis Mair 彝族缪斯之子 梅丹理 Поэт нации и гражданин мира Томас Венцлова 民族诗人和世界公民 托马斯·温茨洛瓦 El Universo Poético de Jidi Majia Fernando Rendón 吉狄马加的诗歌天地 费尔南多·仁东 全球化语境下土著民族诗人的语言策略 吴思敬 The Linguistic Strategy Adopted by an Indigenous Poet in a Context of Globalization Wu Sijing 重读《献给土著民族的颂歌》 李鸿然 Jidi Majias A Eulogy of World Indigenous Peoples Revisited Li Hongran 译后记Translators Notes