目录 introduction the problem and the possibility chaucer as an intellectual man: a review possibility of chaucer as an intellectual the layout of the book chapter one counselor or critic? court poet as prince-pleaser, counselor, or critic? chaucers counseling: the tale of melihee between counsel and critique: mirror for prince chapter two chaucer as a social commentator chaucers position: in and on the society writing as social practice: the nuns priests tale women in chaucers society: criseydo and wife of bath portraying of clerics: prioress, pardoner, and parson chapter three entertainer, edifier and enlightener the role of enlightener: authority negotiated literary authority and chaucers poetic innovation masculine authority vs. feminine experience chapter four wisdom and/or weakness wisdom in art: commenting with strategies wisdom in life: chaucer and chinese shi weakness or not? conclusion possibility of transcending selected bibliography primary sources secondary sources