目录 序 第一篇 自传 幼年时光 插曲 初入小学 远足与讲演 夜“逃”红军 崭新的小学生活 侯集镇的3年初中生活 夜惊 雪夜宿房营 入伙 紧张有趣的课外活动 南阳第二高中 只身北上南开求学 胆战心惊的高等数学课 共产主义暑假 视察南开大学 3年困难时期的大学生活 早期科研工作概述 什刹海黑夜救同事 天津小站劳动锻炼 1978年中国物理学会年会趣事 变温霍尔系数测量系统建设 留学瑞典隆德大学固体物理系 1984年回国后的研究工作 第二篇 论著选编 硅的低温电学性质 Evidence that the gold donor and acceptor in silicon are two levels of the same defect Optical properties of iron doped AlxGal1-x As alloys Electronic properties of native deep-level defects in liquid-phase epitaxial GaAs Direct evidence for random-alloy spliUing of Cu levels in GaAs1-xPx Acceptor associates and bound excitons in GaAs:Cu Localization of excitons to Cu-related defects in GaAs Direct evidence for the acceptorlike character of the Cu-related C and F bound--exciton centers in GaAs 混晶半导体中深能级的展宽及其有关效应 Electronic properties of an electron-attractive complex neutral defect in GaAs 硅中金施主和受主光电性质的系统研究 A novel model of“new donors”in Czocbralski-grown silicon Electrical characteristics of GaAs grown from the melt in a reduced-gravity environment SI-GaAs单晶热稳定性及其电学补偿机理研究 Interface roughness scattering in GaAs-AlGaAs modulation-doped heterostructures Simulation of lateral confinement in very narrow channels Theoretical investigation of the dynamic process of the illumination of GaAs Effect of image forces on electrons confined in low-dimensional structures under a magnetic field Photoluminescence studies of single submonolayer InAs structures grown on GaAs(001)matrix Influence of DX centers in the AlxGa1-x As barrier on the low-temperature density and mobility of the two-dimensional electron gas in GaAs/A1GaAs modulation-doped heterostructure Photoluminescence studies on very high-density quasi-two-dimensional electron gases in pseudomorphic modulation-doped quantum wells Ordering along(111)and(100)directions in GaInP demonstrated by photoluminescence under hydrostatic pressure Influence of the semi-insulating GaAs Schottky pad on the Schottky barrier in the active layer Electrical properties of semi-insulating GaAs grown from the melt under microgravity conditions 808nm high-power laser grown by MBE through the control of Be diffusion and use of superlattice Reflectance-difference spectroscopy study of the Fermi-level position of low-temperature-grown GaAs 半导体材料的现状和发展趋势 Effects of annealing on self-organized InAs quantum islands on GaAs(100) Wurtzite GaN epitaxial growth on a si(00 1)substrate using γ-A12 03 as an intermediate layer High-density InAs nanowires realized in situ on(100)InP High power continuous-wave operation of self-organized In(Ga)As/GaAs quantum dot lasers Quantum-dot superluminescent diode:A proposal for an ultra-wide output spectrum Optical properties of InAs self-organized quantum dots in n-i-p-i GaAs superlattices High-performance strain-compensated InGaAs/InAlAs quantum cascade lasers Research and development of electronic and optoelectronic materials in China 半导体量子点激光器研究进展 High-power and long-lifetime InAs/GaAs quantum-dot laser at 1080nm Self-assembled quantum dots.wires and quantum-dot lasers Controllable growth of semiconductor nanometer structures Effect of Ino 2Ga0 8As and Ino 2A10 8As combination layer on band offsets of InAs quantum dots 信息功能材料的研究现状和发展趋势 High-performance quantum-dot superluminescent diodes Time dependence of wet oxidized A1GaAs/GaAs distributed Bragg reflectors Materials science in semiconductor processing 半导体照明将触发照明光源的革命 Study of the wetting layer of InAs/GaAs nanorings grown by droplet epitaxy Broadband external cavity tunable quantum dot lasers with low injection current density Experimental investigation Of wavelength-selectiVe optjcal fleedback fbr a high-power-quantum dot superluminescent device with two-section structure 19μm quantum cascade infrared photodetectors High-perfbIxnance operation of distribLltedl feedback terahertz quantum cascao’e lasers Efficacious engineering on charge extractiOn for realizing highly efficient perovskite solar cells Room temper’ature continuous wave quantum dot cascade laser emitling at 7.2μm 第三篇 学术贡献 忍受辐照伤痛,换来我国空间用硅太阳电池的定型投产 挑战国际权威,澄清GaAs和硅中深能级物理本质 “863”十年,掌舵我国新型半导体材料与器件发展 任“S-863”专家组长,开展新材料领域战略研究 任咨询组组长,为“973”材料领域发展做出重要贡献 开拓创新,解决“信息功能材料相关基础问题 推动材料基础研究,实施光电信息功能材料重大研究计划 第四篇 回忆 半导体材料科学实验室的筹建与初期发展历程回顾 深情厚谊,历久弥坚 王占国院士科研事迹回顾 一段往事 王占国院士支持南昌大学GaJN研究记事 我生命中的贵人 贺王占国老师80寿辰 往事点滴 在王占国导师身边的日子 我们的大导师王占国院士 我眼中的王占国院士 德高望重,仰之弥高 超宽禁带半导体材料研究组发展历程 高山仰止心念恩师 师道山高 人生楷模学习的榜样 谆谆教诲润物无声 桃李遍天下 记与王老师交往的二三事 第五篇 附录 个人简历 大事记 学术交流目录 获奖目录 论著目录 专利目录 培养学生简况 后记