目录 Chapter One Economic Analysis on Energy Use 1.1 Energy Overview for Globalized World Economy:Source,Supply Chain and Sink 1.2 Global Primary Energy Use Associated with Production,Consumption and International Trade 1.3 Energy Use by Chinese Economy:A Systems Cross—scale Input-output Analysis Chapter Two Economic Analysis on Environmental Pollution 2.1 Concentration of Industrial Pollution in China 2.2 The Distribution of Pollution and Environmental Justice in Puerto Rico A Quantitative Analysis 2.3 Industrial Activity and the Environment in China:An Industry—level Analysis Chapter Three Sustainability Measures 3.1 Ecological Accounting for an Integrated“Pig—biogas—fish”System Based on Emergetic Indicators 3.2 Renewability and Sustainability of Biogas System:Cosmic Exergy Based Assessment for a Case in China 3.3 Estimating Green Net National Product for Puerto Rico:An Economic Measure of Sustainability Appendixes