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作者(法)Gustave Le Bon 著 冯克利 译 (法)多雷 Gusrave Dore 插画
古斯塔夫.勒庞(Gustave Le Bon)法国著名心理学家、社会学家,以研究大众心理特征著称。曾写下一系列社会心理学著作,《各民族进化的心理学规律》(1894)、《社会主义心理学》(1898)、《法国大革命和革命心理学》(1912)和《战争心理学》(1916)等,其中以《乌合之众》(1895)为著名,该书被翻译成近20种语言,至今仍在学术界有着广泛影响。
古斯塔夫.多雷(Gustave Doré)法国著名版画家、雕刻家和插画作家。自幼喜爱绘画,以幽默画成名。作品多是黑白两色,充实饱满、层次分明、质感强烈。其为《圣经》以及但丁、弥尔顿、塞万提斯等人的作品所作插画,成为插画界无法逾越的颠峰。在其短暂的一生中,共制作了4000多种版本、10万多幅金属版和木版插画。
民主直通独裁的心理机制—— 代译序 冯克利/1
勒庞《乌合之众》的得与失 〔美〕罗伯特·墨顿/29
卷 群体心理/1
章 群体的一般特征/3
第二章 群体的感情和道德观/15
第三章 群体的观念、推理和想象力/37
第四章 群体信仰所采取的宗教形式/49
第二卷 群体的意见与信念/57
章 群体的意见和信念中的间接因素/59
第二章 群体意见的直接因素/79
第三章 群体领袖及其说服的手法/93
第四章 群体的信念和意见的变化范围/115
第三卷 不同群体的分类及其特点/127
章 群体的分类/129
第二章 被称为犯罪群体的群体/135
第三章 刑事案件的陪审团/141
第四章 选民群体/149
第五章 议会/161
The Psychological Mechanisms of the Transition from Democracy to Dictatorship — A Preface by the Translator of Chinese Version Yan Jian/183
The Ambivalences of Le Bon’s The Crowd Robert K. Merton/217
Preface/ 253
Introduction: The Era of Crowds /261
Book I. The Mind of Crowds/273
Chapter I. General Characteristics of Crowds/275
Chapter II. The Sentiments and Morality of Crowds/289
Chapter III. The Ideas,Reasoning Power,and Imagination of Crowds/317
Chapter IV. A Religious Shape Assumed by All the Convictions of Crowds/331
Book II. The Opinions and Beliefs of Crowds/341
Chapter I. Remote Factors of the Opinions and Beliefs of Crowds/343
Chapter II. The Immediate Factors of the Opinions of Crowds/367
Chapter III. The Leaders of Crowds and Their Means of Persuasion/385
Chapter IV. Limitations of the Variability of the Beliefs and Opinions of Crowds/411
Book III. The Classification and Description of the Different Kinds of Crowds/427
Chapter I. The Classification of Crowds/429
Chapter II. Crowds Termed Criminal Crowds/437
Chapter III. Criminal Juries/445
Chapter IV. Electoral Crowds/457
Chapter V. Parliamentary Assemblies/471
古斯塔夫.勒庞(Gustave Le Bon)法国著名心理学家、社会学家,以研究大众心理特征著称。曾写下一系列社会心理学著作,《各民族进化的心理学规律》(1894)、《社会主义心理学》(1898)、《法国大革命和革命心理学》(1912)和《战争心理学》(1916)等,其中以《乌合之众》(1895)为著名,该书被翻译成近20种语言,至今仍在学术界有着广泛影响。
古斯塔夫.多雷(Gustave Doré)法国著名版画家、雕刻家和插画作家。自幼喜爱绘画,以幽默画成名。作品多是黑白两色,充实饱满、层次分明、质感强烈。其为《圣经》以及但丁、弥尔顿、塞万提斯等人的作品所作插画,成为插画界无法逾越的颠峰。在其短暂的一生中,共制作了4000多种版本、10万多幅金属版和木版插画。
The Psychological Mechanisms of the Transition
from Democracy to Dictatorship[1]
A Preface by the Translator of the Chinese version
It’s heard that upright people exist even when crooked officials dominate, but it’s never heard that upright officials exist when they are surrounded by frenetic people.
What seemed to be love for liberty turns out to be mere hatred of a despot
.Alexis de Tocqueville, The Old Regime and the Revolution
People are bewildered by the voice of utopia. They struggle to enter the gate of the heaven. But when the door behind them is closed, they would suddenly find they are actually in the hell. Such a scenario convinces me that history likes playing jokes.
Milan Kundera, The Joke
Whose role in history is more important, heroes or ordinary people? Although a questionthat the historians have been struggling to respond, it is actually a hard one to answer. There is a Chinese saying “A hero always enjoys a crowd of followers”. Its simplistic connotations hit the targets well and relieve us from the painful dialectical thinking on the aforementioned question. The academic attention devoted respectively to the heroes (or the evil greats) and their follower in history, however, isunbalanced by number. For thousands of years, tremendous amounts of works have been written either to study the heroes or to provide them with suggestions. Before the advent of “mass society”, it is the emperors, generals, ministers and all sorts of powerful figures across the world that steered the history trajectory. The followers of heroes were seldom treated as meaningful subjects for studies. Thingsbegan to changeonly with the advent of the democracy era. In “Democracy as a Life Style”,an unfinished paper concerned with the process of secularization, written just before his death, Karl Mannheim deeply and vividly depicted the silent changes occurring in people’s life attitudes and esthetic tendenciesas a result of the changes of folklore, arts and architecture of late medieval age, which consisted of the determinants of upcoming political democratization process. According to Mannheim, one striking outcome of this process was the gradual erosion of secular monarchies, either based on cult or heredity, bydemands for equal human rights and broader participation. This heralded a big shift in the origin of political legitimacy. Hereditary claims, divine right or “Mandate of the Heaven” were all losing their glamour. On the contrary, any ambitious man for the thrones had to seek the “delegation of power” from the populace. Now, the masses started to dominate the central stage.
——奥地利精神分析学创始人 西格蒙德·弗洛伊德(Sigmund Freud)
——美国人格心理学拓荒者 戈登·W. 奥尔波特(Gordon W. Allport)
——美国科学社会学奠基人 罗伯特·K. 墨顿(Robert K. Merton)
——美籍奥地利经济学大师、现代创新理论的鼻祖 约瑟夫•A. 熊彼特(Joseph A. Schumpeter)
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