内容摘要 《中国军队与联合国维和行动》详细讲述了中国军队参与柬埔寨、刚果(金)、利比里亚、黎巴嫩、苏丹瓦乌、苏丹达尔富尔、马里等地维和行动的情况,以及在各项行动中涌现出的英雄人物。内容饱满,故事生动,画面感强,能够让人对中国军队在维和领域的作为形成较为全面和直观的印象。 This book illustrates the participation of Chinese Armed Forces in peacekeeping operations in Cambodia, COD, Liberia, Lebanon, Sudan Wau, Sudan Darfur and Mali with stories of heroes in the operations. This book is a rich and rewarding read. There are so many vivid stories that the readers feel like at the scene. It is a comprehensive and intuitive de*ion of Chinese armed forces in peacekeeping missions.