Chapter 1 What Is the Real Middle-Income Trap YAO Zhizhong
Ⅱ.Inevitable Decline in Growth
Ⅲ.The Specious Trap
Ⅳ.Definition of Middle-Income Trap
Ⅴ.How Big is the Middle-Income Trap
List of Abbreviations
Chapter 2 The Middle-Income Trap in Selected Literature An Overview Rosario SANTA GADEA, Leolino DOURADO, Gabriel ARRIETA
Ⅱ.Definitions of Middle-Income Countries
Ⅲ.Approaches to the Middle-Income Trap
Ⅳ.Main Driving Forces of the Middle-Income Trap
Ⅴ.Components of a Strategy to Avoid Being Trapped
Ⅵ.Concluding Remarks
List of Abbreviations
Chapter 3 Economic Transition in China and Middle-Income Trap SONG Jin
Ⅱ.A Brief Review of Chinese Economy from 1 9 5 0s to Now
Ⅲ.Literature Review of Economic Transition
Ⅳ.A Zoom in of the Structural Change and Income Growth Pattern in the Last 20 Years
Ⅴ.Discussion on Income Distribution and Policy Enlightenment
List of Abbreviations
Chapter 4 Transition and the Middle-Income Trap in Peru: A Long Term Perspective Since the Late 19 the Century María Amparo CRUZ SACO, Mirian GIL, Favio LEIVA
Ⅱ.Context and Research Questions
Ⅲ.International Economic Transition: Employment and Output
Ⅳ.Data and Methodology
Ⅴ.Conclusions and Recommendations
List of Abbreviations
Chapter 5 China and the World: The Background and Economic Logic of Chinas Opening-UP ZHANG Yuyan, FENG Weijiang
Ⅱ.Domestic Undercurrent for the Reform and Opening-Up of China
Ⅲ.Changes in the Outside World
Ⅳ.The Theoretical Logic of Opening-Up to the Outside World
List of Abbreviations
Chapter 6 Perus Opening-Up: Strategies, Impacts and Pending Tasks Carlos PARODI
Ⅱ.How Is Economic Openness Defined
Ⅲ.The Nineties and Commercial and Financial Openness
Ⅳ.The Mining Boom and the 2 008 Global Financial Crisis: 2 001 -2 01 0
Ⅴ.Free Trade Agreements
Ⅵ.The Slowdown, 2011
内容摘要 本书是中国社会科学院世界经济与政治研究所(IWEP,CASS)与太平洋大学中国与亚太研究中心(Center for China and Asia-Pacific Studies)密切合作的成果。2015年,张宇燕所长和该中心主任罗萨里奥·圣加迪亚博士在北京总部举行了抢先发售会议。2016年4月,两个机构在利马举办了智库20(T20)研讨会,并同意通过联合研究项目深化合作。本书介绍了现有的理论知识,围绕“中等收入陷阱”问题进行了讨论。本书第一章指出了“增长陷阱”的概念,第二章强调“生产力挑战”是造成这种陷阱的最重要因素。读者将在第十三章中找到互补的概念讨论金融危机和“中等收入陷阱”。本书用比较的研究方法,通过对“中等收入陷阱”的理论考察,以中国和秘鲁作为案例,对世界中等收入国家进行了分析。本书将于中国和秘鲁两国人民建交50周年前出版,期待为此做出学术贡献。
精彩内容 本书是中国社会科学院世界经济与政治研究所(IWEP,CASS)与太平洋大学中国与亚太研究中心(Center for China and Asia-Pacific Studies)密切合作的成果。2015年,张宇燕所长和该中心主任罗萨里奥·圣加迪亚博士在北京总部举行了首次会议。2016年4月,两个机构在利马举办了智库20(T20)研讨会,并同意通过联合研究项目深化合作。本书介绍了现有的理论知识,围绕“中等收入陷阱”问题进行了讨论。本书第一章指出了“增长陷阱”的概念,第二章强调“生产力挑战”是造成这种陷阱的最重要因素。读者将在第十三章中找到互补的概念讨论金融危机和“中等收入陷阱”。本书用比较的研究方法,通过对“中等收入陷阱”的理论考察,以中国和秘鲁作为案例,对世界中等收入国家进行了分析。本书将于中国和秘鲁两国人民建交50周年前出版,期待为此做出学术贡献。