Chapter One Youthful Aspirations? Hard Times The Two Sides of Hankou? Youthful Aspirations? The Choice of Destiny? Chapter Two Yuan Longping’s Dream Lost in the Maze? Yuan Longping’s Dream Goldbach’s Conjecture in the Rice Kingdom Inspiration from Nietzsche? Chapter Three The Man Chasing the Sun In Search of the Natural Male Sterile Plant “Food Is More Important Than Satellites.”? Saved from Disaster? Chasing the Sun? Chapter Four The Fifth Great Invention The Breakthrough? Turning Addition to Multiplication? “Boasting Gets You Nowhere!” The Last Step? Chapter Five The Second Green Revolution? A Seed That Changed the World? The Second Green Revolution? The “Two Line” Method: Another Chinese Invention Who Will Feed China?? Challenging the Upper Limit?
There is an end to one’s life, but there is no to one’s pursuits. As a wise quote goes, “The breadth of one’s life is dependent on his feelings, the depth on his contributions, the length on his experiences.” As of now, Yuan Longping has been the only person who has delivered hundreds upon millions of people from hunger with the power of a rice seed. He has created immeasurable wealth and values for the world. His name will be engraved in our memory and that of future generations; his accomplishments will be a permanent legacy for mankind.
丛书围绕中国社会主义新时代主题,以鲜活、丰富的素材,讲述中国人奋发图强报效祖国,实现人生价值和追逐“”的故事,对外展现中国人的精神风貌和文化价值观,让世界多维度了解中国人,理解中国的发展变化,为向世界更好展示中国提供一个窗口、一个视角。尤其是在当下,中国面临来自外部的压力时,对外出版中国人自强不息的奋斗故事更加具有的意义。 丛书*辑包括9个分册,包括《天梯之上:乡村老师李桂林和陆建芬夫妇》《梦想照亮生活:盲人穆孟杰和他的特教学校》《阳光大姐:家政服务的故事》《国家书房:金兴安和*家农家书屋》《星系我心:航天工程技术专家孙家栋》《袁隆平的世界》《种子钟扬:一个新时代奋斗者的人生答卷》《心有大我至诚报国:黄大年》《传奇学人林毅夫》,各分册以英文出版。 本书以报告文学的形式,客观真实、生动丰富地再现了袁隆平及其团队俯身稻田,泥一身、水一身的平凡科研生活,讲述了中国科学家在杂交水稻领域严谨治学、扎实科研、埋头奉献的动人故事。 从为解决世界的粮食问题一个特定侧面,展示中国为人类命运共同体贡献“中国智慧”、提供“中国方案”的正面主题。 Yuan Longping, the world-renowned “Father of Hybrid Rice,” is an outstanding agronomist from China and winner of multiple awards including the National Science and Technology Award, the WIPO Gold Medal for Inventors, the UNESCO Science Prize, and the World Food Prize. He has been devoted to hybrid rice research since his early 20s and has established a technological roadmap for super hybrid rice breeding. His accomplishments have contributed to China’s food self-sufficiency and the world’s food security.