目录 Chapter 1 Assessment for Learning 1.1 Introduction 1.2 Assessment purposes 1.3 Testing VS assessment 1.4 Formative assessment in the classroom 1.5 Summary 1.6 What should a teacher do after reading this chapter 1.7 References Chapter 2 Qualities of Formative Assessment 2.1 Introduction 2.2 Essential qualities of language assessment 2.3 Validating assessment 2.4 Summary 2.5 What should a teacher do after reading this chapter 2.6 References Chapter 3 Learning Targets:Standards and Assessment 3.1 Introduction 3.2 The construct of language competence 3.3 Pedagogical content knowledge of the language teacher 3.4 Standards—based assessment 3.5 Summary 3.6 What should a teacher do after reading this chapter? 3.7 References Chapter 4 Eliciting Evidence of Learning Choosing and Designing Tools 4.1 Types of assessment tools 4.2 Planned VS contingent formative assessment 4.3 Common tools that elicit student learning 4.4 Considerations in choosing and designingformative assessment(FA)tools 4.5 Evaluating formative assessment tools 4.6 Who assesses whom in fornlative assessment? 4.7 Summary 4.8 What should a teacher do after reading this chapter? 4.9 Ref-erences Chapter 5 Formative Use of Assessment Results 5.1 Introduction 5.2 Interpreting assessment results 5.3 Feedback and feedforward 5.4 Closing the learning gap 5.5 Summary 5.6 What should a teacher do after reading this chaPter 5.7 Reference-rs Chapter 6 Researching Classroom-Based Formative Assessment 6.1 Introduction 6.2 Common types of research 6.3 Asking research questions 6.4 Answering research questions:an example 6.5 Summary 6.6 What should a teacher do after reading this chapter 6.7 References Appendices Appendix 1.Classroom Assessment Confidence Index Appendix 2.Transcript of a sample EFL lesson GlossaryAppendices Appendix 1. Classroom Assessment Confidence Index Appendix 2. Transcript of a sample EFL lesson Glossary
媒体评论 ·分属“英语教师专业素养丛书”——专为英语教师打造的一套教学实践丛书;·由当前英语教学与测评领域的国际知名专家撰写;·系统阐述开展课堂形成性评估的意义、要略、步骤、工具;·辅以实例,说明如何运用课堂形成性评估结果指导教学;·进一步演示了如何对课堂形成性评估开展研究;·阐论深入浅出,语言简明易懂;·附有大量实用案例、图表、教学与反思性任务,切实解决一线教师的实际需求,有效指导教学实践。 This book addresses the critical and increasingly complex area of how to use classroom assessment for the improvement of teaching and learning. Teachers and researchers will benefit significantly from this clear, well-informed and practical book which is tailored specifically for the EFL assessment context.—Professor Chris Davison(University of New South Wales, Australia)