第一部分 政策沟通 Part Ⅰ Policy Coordination “一带一路”有望成为治理和多边参与的新路径 ———联合国开发计划署驻华代表文霭洁 / 3 Belt and Road Has the Potential to Be a New Way of Global Governance and Multilateral Engagement —Agi Veres, UNDP Resident Representative in China / 185 新时代中俄建设全面战略协作伙伴关系 ———俄罗斯驻华大使安德烈·杰尼索夫 / 11 Building China-Russia Comprehensive Strategic Partnership of Coordination for a New Era —H. E. Dr. Andrey Denisov, Ambassador of the Russian Federation to China / 193 “一带一路” 倡议下的第三方合作是透明、普惠的 ———泰国驻华大使毕力亚·针蓬 / 19 The Third-party Cooperation Is Transparent and Inclusive under the Belt and Road Initiative —Piriya Khempon, Ambassador of Thailand to China / 201 致力于使中欧伙伴关系更具活力 ———罗马尼亚驻华大使巴西尔·瓦西利克·康斯坦丁内斯库 / 29 Committed to Make the EU-China Partnership More Dynamic —Basil Vasilica Constantinescu, Ambassador of Romania to China / 211 第二部分 设施联通 Part Ⅱ Facilities Connectivity “巨石”是中国在海外开发的经贸合作区 ———白俄罗斯驻华大使鲁德·基里尔·瓦连其诺维奇 / 41 “Great Stone” Is China?s Largest Overseas Economic and Trade Cooperation Zone —Rudy Kiryl, Ambassador of the Republic of Belarus to China / 223 “一带一路” 框架下的亚吉铁路是“生命线” ———埃塞俄比亚驻华大使特肖梅·托加 / 49 The Ethiopia-Djibouti Railway under the Belt and Road Framework Is the “Lifeline” —Teshome Toga Chanaka, Ambassador of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia to China / 231 “一带一路” 倡议与“科威特2035 愿景” 多维度契合 ———科威特驻华大使塞米赫·焦哈尔·哈亚特 / 59 Belt and Road Initiative Accords with “Kuwait Vision 2035” Multidimensionally —Sameeh Johar Hayat, Ambassador of the State of Kuwait to China / 240 “一带一路” 倡议是一种友谊 ———尼日利亚驻华大使巴巴·艾哈迈德·吉达 / 67 Belt and Road Initiative Is a Global Friendship —Baba Ahmad Jidda, Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Nigeria to China / 247 第三部分 贸易畅通 Part Ⅲ Unimpeded Trade 将中国智慧带入体系 ———欧盟驻华大使郁白 / 77 Bring Chinese Wisdom to Global System —Nicolas Chapuis, Ambassador of Delegation of the European Union to China / 257 做“一带一路” 倡议下东南亚数字经济和电子商务的领军者 ———印度尼西亚驻华大使周浩黎 / 85 Being the Leader in Digital Economy and E-commerce in Southeast Asia with the Belt and Road Initiative —Djauhari Oratmangun, Ambassador of the Republic of Indonesia to China / 264 “丝绸之路经济带” 的起点 ———哈萨克斯坦驻华大使努雷舍夫 / 94 The Starting Point of the “Silk Road Economic Belt” —Shakhrat Nuryshev, Ambassador of the Republic of Kazakhstan to China / 272 连接“一带” 与“一路”, 建立与时俱进的合作伙伴关系 ———新加坡驻华大使罗家良 / 101 Connecting the “Silk Road Economic Belt” with the “Maritime Silk Road”, and Building an All-round Cooperative Partnership Progressing with the Times —Stanley Loh, Ambassador of the Republic of Singapore to China / 279 第四部分 资金融通 Part Ⅳ Financial Integration 加入中非金融合作银联体,探索多方位、深层次的金融合作 ———埃塞俄比亚财政部部长艾哈迈德·希德 / 111 Join the China-Africa Financial Cooperation Forum and Explore a Deep Multi-Aspect Financial Cooperation —Ahmed Shide, Minister of Finance of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia / 289 第一个与中国签订共建“一带一路”备忘录的欧洲发达国家 ———希腊驻华大使莱奥尼达斯·罗卡纳斯 / 119 The First Developed Country in Europe to Sign the BRI MOU with China —Leonidas Rokanas, Ambassador of the Republic of Greece to China / 297 “一带一路”的创新合作伙伴 ———以色列驻华大使何泽伟 / 129 The Innovation Partner of the Belt and Road Initiative —Zvi Heifetz, Ambassador of the State of Israel to China / 307 第五部分 民心相通 Part Ⅴ People-to-people Bonds “国之交在于民相亲” ———越南驻华大使邓明魁 / 139 “State-to-state Relations Thrive While People-to-people Ties Strengthen” —Dang Minh Khoi, Ambassador of the Sot Republic of Vietnam to China / 317 “一带一路” 倡议对接“后石油时代” ———阿联酋驻华大使阿里·扎希里 / 147 Synergy between the Belt and Road Initiative and the “Post-oil Era” —Ali Obaid Al Dhaheri, Ambassador of the United Arab Emirates to China / 325 “加强学术、科研合作是重点” ———突尼斯驻华大使迪亚·哈立德 / 155 “Strengthening Academic and Scientific Cooperation Is Considered as Priorities for My Country” —Dhia Khaled, Ambassador of the Republic of Tunisia to China / 333 “加纳,超越援助” ———加纳驻华大使爱德华·博阿滕 / 162 “Ghana, Beyond Aid” —Edward Boateng, Ambassador of the Republic of Ghana to China / 339 我在中国的13 年 ———阿曼驻华大使阿卜杜拉·萨阿迪 / 170 My Thirteen Years in China —Abdullah Saleh Al Saadi, Ambassador of Oman to China / 345 后记 / 179 Acknowledgements / 355