目录 T/CGSS 001-2018 老年照护师规范 T/CGSS 001-2018 Specification for elderly caregiver T/CGSS 003-2019 老年友善服务规范 T/CGSS 003-2019 Specification for age-friendly service T/CGSS 004-2019 适老营养配方食品通则 T/CGSS 004-2019 General rules for nutritional formula food for the elderly T/CGSS 005-2019 医养结合服务机构设施设置基本要求 T/CGSS 005-2019 Basic requirements for infrastructure for service institutions of combination of medical and senior health care T/CGSS 006-2019 医养结合服务机构等级评定规范 T/CGSS 006-2019 Grade assessment specification for service institutions of combination of medical and senior health care T/CGSS 007-2019社区适老营养师规范 T/CGSS 007-2019 Specification of community dietitians for the elderly