Chapter 1 Petroleum Geologic Exploration Technology
1.1 Palacios Field: A 3 - D Case History
1.2 Stewart Field,Finney County, Kansas : Seismic Definition of Thin
Channel Reservoirs
1.3 Prestack Processing of Land Data with Complex Topography
Chapter 2 Reservoir Characterization
2.1 Dynamic Reservoir Characterization of Vacuum Field
2.2 Challenges in Reservoir Characterization ( I )
2.3 Challenges in Reservoir Characterization ( II )
Chapter 3 Geologic Structure Analysis of Reservoirs
3.1 Geologic Aspects of Naturally Fractured Reservoirs
3.2 Analysis of Fault Traps
3.3 Geometry and Evolution of the Frontal Part of the Magallanes Foreland
Thrust and Fold Belt (Vicuna Area), Tierra del Fuego, Southern Chile
Chapter 4 Structural Influence on Reservoir Formation
4.1 Structural Influence on Hydrocarbon Entrapment in the Northwestern
Red Sea,Egypt( I )
4.2 Structural Influence on Hydrocarbon Entrapment in the Northwestern
Red Sea,Egypt ( II )
Chapter 5 Petroleum Exploration and Production
5.1 Petroleum Exploration and Production in Fold and Thrust Belts: Ideas
From a Hedberg Research Symposium ( I )
5.2 Petroleum Exploration and Production in Fold and Thrust Belts: Ideas
From a Hedberg Research Symposium ( II )
Chinese Translation and Key to Exercises