目录 Contributors Preface SECTION Ⅰ INTRODUCTION TO INFECTIOUS DISEASES 1. Approach to the Patient with an Infectious Disease Neeraj K. Surana, Dennis L. Kasper 2. Molecular Mechanisms of Microbial Pathogenesis Gerald B. Pier 3. The Human Microbiome Jeffrey L Gordon, Rob Knight 4. Genomics and Infectious Disease Roby P. Bhattacharyya, Yonatan H. Grad, Deborah T. Hung $. Immunization Principles and Vaccine Use Anne Schuchat, Lisa A. Jackson 6. Health Recommendations for International Travel Jay S. Keystone, Phyllis E. Kozarsky 7. Laboratory Diagnosis of Infectious Diseases... Alexander J. McAdam: Andrew B. Onderdonk 8, Climate Change and InfectiousDisease Aaron S. Bernstein 9. Infections in Veterans Returning from Foreign Wars Andrew W. Artenstein 10. Microbial Bioterrorism H. Clifford Lane, Anthony S. Fauci SECTION Ⅱ FEVER AND APPROACH TO THE FEBRILE PATIENT 11. Fever Charles A. Dinarello, Reuven Porat 12. Fever and Rash Elaine T. Kaye, Kenneth M. Kaye 13. Fever of Unknown Origin Chantal P. Bleeker-Rovers, Jos W. M. van der Meer 14. Atlas of Rashes Associated with Fever Kenneth M. Kaye, Elaine T. Kaye 15. Infections in Patients with Cancer Robert W. Finberg 16. Infections in Transplant Recipients Robert W. Finberg, ]oyce Fingeroth 17. Infections Acquired in Health Care Facilities Robert A. Weinstein 18. Approach to the Acutely Ill Infected Febrile Patient