第三章 模拟与实战篇 Writing Model Test l Writing Model Test 2 Writing Model Test 3 Writing Model Test 4 Writing Model Test 5 Writing Model Test 6 …… 第四章 参考答案与范文篇
精彩内容 Concern about the phenomenon knowfi as global warning has been growing inrecent years. Earth's temperature is rising, largely as a result of human activity. Sincethe Industrial Revolution, humans have added significantly to the greenhouse gases inthe Earth's atmosphere through increases in activities such as cutting down forests andburning fossil fuels like coal and oil. Greenhouse gases hold heat in the atmosphere,and to a certain extent, their presence is natural. An artificial increase in the amount ofthese gases, however, leads to rise in temperatures on Earth. In the middle of the twentieth century, scientists discovered that Earth was gettingwarmer. Then they discovered that carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere wereincreasing. They realized that there was a relationship between rising temperaturesand rising levels of carbon dioxide. Most of this carbon dioxide comes from emissionsfrom industrial activity and gasoline-powered motor vehicles. Earth's average temperature increased almost 1.5F during the twentieth century.Scientists predict that during the twenty-first century, temperatures will continue toincrease. What changes could this bring about on our planet? We have already begunto see changes in weather patterns, snow and ice cover, and sea level. Changes in weather patterns may lead to increased flooding and droughtworldwide, as well as more frequent extreme weather conditions such as powerfulhurricanes. Rising global temperatures may also result in increasing water scarcityand in extinction of numerous plant and animal species. But not just the weatherwill be affected. Changes in climate can lead to economic losses, particularly in theagricultural and transportation sectors. One report predicts a possible 1% drop in grossdomestic product and a 20% decrease in per capita consumption worldwide.