作者简介 梁思成(1901-1972),广东新会人,著名建筑史学家、建筑师、城市规划师和建筑教育家。曾任中央研究院院士、中国科学院学部委员等。著有《清式营造则例》、《中国建筑史》、《宋营造法式注释》、A PictotJal History of Chinese Architecture(《图像中国建筑史》)等。 梁思成毕生从事中国古代建筑的研究和建筑教育事业,致力于保护中国古代建筑和文化遗产,是中国古代建筑艺术研究、中国建筑史研究的奠基者和创立者。曾参加中华人民共和国国徽、人民英雄纪念碑等的设计,是新中国首都城市规划工作的推动者和新中国若干重大设计方案的主持者。 林洙,福建福州人。1953年入清华大学梁思成主持的中国建筑史编撰小组工作。1962年与梁思成结为夫妇。先后参与整理、编辑了《梁思成文集》、《梁思成建筑画集》、《梁思成全集》等著作,著有《大匠的困惑》、《建筑师梁思成》、《叩开鲁班的大门——中国营造学社史略》等。
目录 1 Art and Architecture(1947) 艺术与建筑(1947) 2 Chinese Architecture(不详) 中国建筑(不详) 3 In Search of Ancient Architecture in North China (extract) (1940) 华北古建筑调查报告 (节选) (1940) 4 A Han Terra-cotta Model of a Three-storey House(1933) 一个汉代的三层楼陶制明器(1933) 5 Buddhist Cave Sculpture(1940) 佛教石窟造像(1940) 6 Five Early Chinese Pagodas(1941) 五座中国古塔(1941) 7 The Chinese Oldest Wooden Structure(1941) 中国最古老的木构建筑(1941) 8 Two Liao Structure of Tu-lo Ssu, Chi Hsien(1932) 蓟县独乐寺观音阁山门考(1932) 9 Letter to Wilma Fairbank (1956) 致费慰梅的信(1956) 10 Letter to Alfred Bendiner(CV Included)(1947) 致阿尔弗雷德 ·班迪纳的信(内附履历)(1947) Glossary 专有名词表 11 Supplementary Plates from the Society for Research in Chinese Architecture 《中国营造学社汇刊》补充图片
精彩内容 About 180 li directly east of Peiping (Peking) is the old city of Chi sien. During the Han Dynasty, it was a part of Y/i-yang Chiin. It was not until the reign of Emperor Hsuan tsung, 712-756 AD, of the T'ang Dynasty that the Magistracy of Chi chou was first founded. The Tsinrulers of the Wu-tai period ceded the land as a bribe to the Liao Tartars,and, thereafter, for a period of nearly four hundred years, the land was under the control of the northern invading tribes. The Chin Tartars on cereturned Chi-chou to the Sung, only to snatch it back a few years later.Even during the Yuan and Ming Dynasties it continued to be the zone of conflict between the Chinese and the invaders from the North, a city of strategic importance, guarding the entrance to old Peking.
Chi-chou is not only a city of military importance, but also a name that has been dear to artists and poets for over a thousand years. The quaint fortified city is located at the foot of Pan Shan, the beautiful hill that has been the subject of so many poems of the T'ang and Sung Dynasties.