目录 1 Phase and Structures 1.1 Lattice Structures 1.2 The Iron-carbon Equilibrium Diagram 1.3 Crystal Structures of Iron 1.4 Effects of Carbon and Crystal Structures in Fe-C Alloys 1.4.1 Effects of carbon 1.4.2 Crystal structures in Fe-C alloys 1.5 Critical Temperatures 2 Testing Methods 2.1 Tensile Test 2.2 Hardness Tests 2.2.1 Brinell hardness test 2.2.2 Vickers hardness test 2.2.3 Rockwell hardness test 2.2.4 Other hardness tests 2.3 Dynamic Tests 2.3.1 Impact test (Charoy V-notch) 2.3.2 Fatigue test 2.3.3 Dynamic tensile and compression test 2.3.4 Creep test 2.4 Jominy Test for Hardenability 2.5 Determination of Working Loads by Consideration of Metal Flow 3 Heat Treatment 3.1 Full Annealing and Homogenizing 3.2 Normalizing and Spheroidizing 3.2.1 Normalizing 3.2.2 Spheroidizing 3.3 Structural Changes on Tempering 3.4 Thermomechanical Treatments 3.5 Surface Hardening 3.5.1 Flame hardening 3.5.2 Induction heating 4 Rolling Theory and Technology 4.1 The Nature and Purpose of Metalworking Theory 4.2 Friction and Lubrication in Metalworking 4.2.1 Influences of friction in metalworking processes 4.2.2 Elementary principles of lubrication 4.3 Introduction for Rolling 4.4 Heating before Rolling Operations 4.5 The Process of Metal Rolling 4.6 The Quality Control of Rolling Process 4.7 Several Typical Rolling Mills 4.7.1 A single mill stand 4.7.2 Tandem rolling mills 4.7.3 Cluster rolling mills 4.7.4 Planetary rolling mills 4.8 Purpose and Layout of Rolling Mills 5 Extrusion and Drawing 5.1 Introduction for Extrusion 5.1.1 The Advantages 5.1.2 The Process 5.2 Typical Properties of the Extruded Product 5.2.1 Dimensional accuracy 5.2.2 Surface finish of the extruded product 5.2.3 Material flow 5.3 Hydrostatic Extrusion Processes 5.3.1 Introduction 5.3.2 Laboratory VS production equipment 5.3.3 Hot VS cold extrusion 5.3.4 Process classification 5.4 Drawing of Rod, Wire, Shapes and Tubes 5.5 Drawing Stress 5.6 Tube Making 5.5.1 Introduction 5.6.2 Tandem drawing of tubes on a mandrel 5.6.3 Tube sinking 6 Casting, Forging and Welding 6.1 Introduction to Casting Processes 6.2 Investment Casting and Die Casting 6.2.1 Investment casting 6.2.2 Die casting 6.3 Definition of Forging Process 5.4 Several Simple Methods of Forging Process ( I ) 6.5 Several Simple Methods of Forging Process ( II ) 6.5.1 Hammer forging 6.5.2 Press forging 6.5.3 Upset forging 6.5.4 Roll forging 6.5.5 Ring rolling 6.6 Resistance Welding 6.6.1 Spot welding 6.6.2 Seam welding 6.6.3 Projection welding 6.6.4 Upset and flash butt welding 6.7 Fusion Welding Based on Electrical Energy through Arcing--Arc Welding 6.7.1 Metal-electrode arc welding 6.7.2 Submerged-arc welding 6.7.3 Gas metal-arc welding 6.7.4 Gas tungsten-arc welding 7 CAD and CAM 7.1 CAD/CAM Defined 7.2 The Product Cycle and CAD/CAM 7.3 Computer-aided Design of Forgings 7.3.1 Introduction 7.3.2 Battelles die forge CAD/CAM system 7.4 CAD System for Modeling Solidification 8 Reading Materials 8.1 Stress-Strain Curves 8.2 Tubing and Tubular Products 8.2.1 Historical perspective 8.2.2 Process classification 8.2.3 Tube-making processes 8.3 Computer Analysis and Control of Rolling 8.3.1 Computer analysis of rolling 8.3.2 Computer control of rolling 8.4 Mechanical Working of Metals 8.5 Typical Examples of Mass-reducing Processes(Sheafing, Blanking and Piercing) 8.5.1 Shearing (PROCESS 1) 8.5.2 Blanking and piercing (PROCESS 2) 8.6 Introduction to the Joining Processes 8.7 Means to Form Deeper Cups 8.7.1 Second draw 8.7.2 Contoured dies 8.8 Powder Metallurgy 8.8.1 Introduction 8.8.2 Characteristics of the powder metallurgical processes 8.9 Superconductivity and Applications of Superconductivity 8.9.1 Synchronous generators 8.9.2 Homopolar DC machines 8.9.3 Magnetohydrodynamic generators 8.9.4 Fusion magnets 8.9.5 Superconducting power transmission 8.9.6 Magnetic levitation 8.10 The Grades of Steels 8.11 Pouring and Solidification of Casting 8.11.1 Pouring 8.11.2 Solidification 8.12 Fusion Welding Based on Chemical Energy-gas Welding 8.12.1 The oxyacetylene flame 8.12.2 Welding techniques 8.12.3 Applications Vacabulary References