目录 UNIT ONEPROFESSIONAL COMMUNICATION CHAPTER 1 INTERVIEW SECTION ⅠWhat is the Most Important Information You Should Give to the Interviewer? SECTION ⅡCommon Questions during the Interview SECTION ⅢAdditional Pointers SECTION ⅣPatterns CHAPTER 2 RESUME SECTION ⅠWhat Should Be Included in a Resume? SECTION ⅡGetting Starter Resume SECTION ⅢChoosing a Resume Format SECTION ⅣResume Template CHAPTER 3 PROFESSIONAL MEETINGS,CONFERENCES SECTION ⅠBackground Information SECTION ⅡPatterns SECTION ⅢExamples of Announcement in Food Area UNIT TWOREADING & COMPREHENSION CHAPTER 4 CUISINE CULTURE SECTION ⅠBritish Cuisine SECTION ⅡFrench Cuisine SECTION ⅢChinese Cuisine CHAPTER 5 TABLE SETTING SECTION ⅠTable Coverings SECTION ⅡTable Settings SECTION ⅢThe Individual Places CHAPTER 6 UTENSILS SMALL EQUIPMENT SECTION ⅠMeasuring Equipment SECTION ⅡSpatulas, Skimmers, and Spoons CHAPTER 7 SENSORY EVALUATION SECTION ⅠSensory Evaluation Practices SECTION ⅡTaste and Smell Interactions CHAPTER 8 FOOD ADDITIVE SECTION ⅠFDARequirements for Food Additives in the USA CHAPTER 9 FOOD SAFETY SECTION ⅠChemical Risk Factors in Food CHAPTER 10 FUNCTIONAL FOOD SECTION ⅠFunctional Food:at the Frontier between Food and Pharma SECTION ⅡMushrooms SECTION ⅢLentinan SECTION ⅣBioactive Components in Ginseng SECTION ⅤModified Protein SECTION ⅥDefinition of Dietary Fiber SECTION ⅦOligosaccharides CHAPTER 11 NUTRITION SECTION ⅠNutritional Quality in Formulated Foods SECTION ⅡVitamin A SECTION ⅢActions of Unconsidered Factors SECTION ⅣThe Effect of Intakes of Calcium and Potassium and Vitamins A and C CHAPTER 12 MICROBIOLOGICAL PRODUCTION OF FOOD SECTION ⅠFermented Dairy Products
SECTION ⅡLeavening of Bread SECTION ⅢAlcoholic Beverages SECTION ⅣVinegar SECTION ⅤFermented Vegetables SECTION ⅥSoy Sauce SECTION ⅦSinglecell Protein CHAPTER 13 FOOD LAW SECTION ⅠA Description of the USFood Safety System SECTION ⅡHistory of the FDA SECTION ⅢThese Little Pigs Get Special Care from Norwegians CHAPTER 14 PROCESSING SECTION ⅠOverview of Processing of Agricultural Commodities SECTION ⅡLaboratory/Pilot Processing of Agricultural Commodities SECTION ⅢGood Laboratory Practice(GLP)Regulations and Their Impact on the Smallscale Processing Procedures CHAPTER 15 FOOD ECONOMY SECTION ⅠThe Impact of MacroEconomic Policy on Food Security: A Framework for Analysis SECTION ⅡBringing the Food Economy Home UNIT THREESCIENTIFIC WRITING GUIDE CHAPTER 16 ABSTRACT WRITING SECTION ⅠWhat Should Be Included? SECTION ⅡPatterns SECTION ⅢSome Examples CHAPTER 17 DESCRIPTION SECTION ⅠSamples of Method Description SECTION ⅡSamples of Data Description SECTION ⅢPatterns CHAPTER 18 REPORT ORGANIZATION SECTION ⅠResearch Report SECTION ⅡRaw Data Notebook SECTION ⅢSummary Report of Processing Procedures APPENDIX ⅠPrefix,suffix and stem of academic vocabulary APPENDIX ⅡNatural amino acids APPENDIX ⅢReading suggestion for English foodrelated journals