《美术丛书》,由黄宾虹、邓实选编。黄宾虹为近代著名国书大师,并精研画论、画史,颇多创见。美术家之著述勒成此丛书。计收书二百八十一种。所收各书,以论书画者为主,而论画者尤多。此外,凡关于雕刻摹印、笔墨纸砚、磁铜玉石、词曲传奇、工艺刺绣、印刷装潢及一切珍玩的论著,亦广为搜辑,堪称集美术论著之大成。 《美术丛书》,中国美术论著汇编。邓实、黄宾虹编纂。上海神州国光社出版。1911年3月开始分册出版,初集十集,每集四册;至1914年底出齐续集(或称二集)十集,亦各四册。计两集八十册。到1920年出版了后集(亦称三集)十集,成为一百二十册。现所上《美术丛书》初集至三集120册完整。 1928年起补辑四集,共印十辑,每辑四册,至1936年出齐。现所上《美术丛书》四集包括第一辑至第四辑共16册,原函套显示“四集全”,应为当年仅出至第四辑,因此,该书应视作完本。 这套《美术丛书》购自著名画家蒋彝(1903年-1977年)之子,为蒋彝藏书,惜无藏书印。 Offered here is a set of 美術叢書 Mei shu cong shu, printed on double leaves and bound in the traditional style of accordion-fold pages side-sewn in wrapper covered fascicles and collected into blue cloth folding cases held by bone clasps. It is complete in four volumes, 136 fascicles, collected in seven cases. The first three volumes are each 10 parts, 40 fascicles, two cases; the fourth volume is 10 parts, 16 fascicles, one case. The cases and books are in very good condition. The set was published in Shanghai by 神州國光社 [Shen zhou guo guang she] in the year Wu chen (1928).
A series on art history and criticism by painter 黃賓虹 Huang Binhong (1865-1955) and historian 鄧實 Deng Shi (1877-1951).
This set is from the collection of 蒋彝 Chiang Yee (1903-1977), author and illustrator of the Silent Traveller series, although there is no indication of his ownership. The set was purchased from Chiang Yee's son, Chiang Chien-Fei, also an artist and calligrapher, prior to his death in 2011.