With stylistic brilliance and historical imagination, the firstfive books of Livy's monumental history of Rome record events fromthe foundation of Rome through the history of the seven kings, theestablishment of the Republic and its internal struggles, up toRome's recovery after the fierce Gallic invasion of the fourthcentury bc. Livy vividly depicts the great characters, legends, andtales, including the story of Romulus and Remus. Reprinting RobertOgilvie's lucid 1971 introduction, this highly regarded edition nowboasts a new preface, examining the text in light of recent Livyscholarship, informative maps, bibliography, and an index. Translated by Aubrey de Sélincourt with an introduction by RobertOgilvie.
Titus Livius (59 B.C.-17 A.D.) began working on his history ofRome at the age of thirty and continued for more than forty yearsuntil his death. The history comprised 142 books, of whichthirty-five survive.
Aubrey de Sélincourt (1896-1962) translated Livy, Heroditus, andArrian for Penguin Classics.
Robert Ogilvie (1932-1981) taught classics and published widely onRoman writers, religion and history.
Stephen Oakley teaches classics at the University of Reading.