基本信息 书名:英文大学人文经典教材—西方人文读本(注释版) 定价:158元 作者:(美) 罗伊·T·马修斯 德维特·普拉特 著,胡鹏,苏政 出版社:海南出版社 出版日期:2013-04-01 ISBN:9787544349550 字数:500000 页码:780 版次:1 装帧:平装 开本:16开 商品重量: 编辑推荐 由麦格劳·希尔授权; 定价仅为英文原著的1/6; 高中及大学中准备出国留学必备; 读者群体:准备出国求学的高中生、大学生及研究生; 普通高等院校在校学生、英语爱好者。 内容提要 Chronologically organized, The Western Humanities presents thecultural achievements of western civilization—art, music, history,literature, theater, film and the other arts—within theirhistorical context. By examining the historical and materialconditions that influenced the form and content of the arts andliterature, the authors provide students a deeper understanding ofthe meaning of cultural works and a broader basis for appreciatingthe humanities. Hundreds of illustrations appear throughout thetext, "Slices of Life" boxes bring to life the events of the day,and brief sections at the end of each chapter describe the culturallegacy of the era discussed. 目录 PREFACEINTRODUCTION:Why Study Cultural History?A HUMANITIES PRIMER:How to Understand the Arts1PREHISTORY ANDNEAR EASTERNCIVILIZATIONSPREHISTORY AND EARLY CULTURESPaleolithic PeriodNeolithic PeriodTechnology in Early CulturesStone Age Technology Bronze Age TechnologyIron Age TechnologyTHE CIVILIZATIONS OF THE TIGRIS ANDEUPHRATES RIVER VALLEY: MESOPOTAMIAThe Sumerian, Akkadian, and Babylonian KingdomsThe Cradle of CivilizatioWriting ReligioENCOUNTER The Phoenicians and the AlphabetLiterature LawSLICE OF LIFE “A Sumerian Father Lectures His Son”Anonymous, from clay tabletsScience, Mathematics, and Medicine Art andArchitectureTHE CIVILIZATION OF THE NILE RIVER VALLEY:EGYPTContinuity and Change over Three Thousand YearsA Quest for Eternal Cultural ValuesReligion Writing and Literature Science and MedicineSLICE OF LIFE Life's Instruction Book for EgyptiansAnonymous, from A Papyrus TextArchitecture ~ Sculpture, Painting, and MinorArtsHEIRS TO THE MESOPOTAMIAN AND EGYPTIANEMPIRESThe HittitesThe AssyriansThe MedesThe PersiansTHE LEGACY OF EARLY NEAR EASTERNCIVILIZATIONSKEY CULTURAL TERMSSUGGESTIONS FOR FURTHER READING2AEGEAN CIVILIZATIONSThe Minoans, the Mycenaeans,and the Greeks of the ArchaicAgePRELUDE: MINOAN CIVILIZATION,3000-1100 B.C.E.BEGINNINGS: MYCENAEAN CWILIZATION,1900-1100 KC.E.Technology in Minoan Crete and MycenaeINTERLUDE: THE DARK AGES, 1100-800 B.C.E.THE ARCHAIC AGE, 800-479 B.C.E.Political, Economic, and Social StructuresThe Greek PolLs: Sparta and AthensTechnology in Archaic GreeceThe Persian WarsTHE EMERGENCE OF GREEK GENIUS: THEMASTERY OF FORMReligioLiteratureEpic Poetry Lyric PoetryENCOUNTER Near Eastern Art and Greek PotteryPhilosophy, Science, and MedicineNatural PhilosophySLICE OF LIFE The Worlds of Women and Men in AncientGreece Sappho, “He Seems to Be a God” and Alcaeus,“Longing for Home”MedicineArchitectureSculptureTHE LEGACY OF ARCHAIC GREEKCWILIZATION…… 作者介绍