Jesse Aarons wants to be the fastest boy in the class,but when Leslie Burke moves into the neighbouring farmhis life changes forever. Even though she runs faster thanhim, Jesse thinks Leslie is all right - she's clever, funnyand has good ideas. It is Leslie who invents Terabithia,the secret magical kingdom on an island across the creekwhere Jesse can escape his troublesome family. But oneday tragedy strikes and Jesse needs to findthe courage to overcome his fears...杰斯希望自己能够成为班级上跑得最快的人,他刻苦练习,结果却输给了新来的女孩莱斯莉。他起初很不服气,可后来,他却和这个有着爽朗性格的犟女孩成了好朋友,并且他和她常常一起在树林里玩一种只有他们俩人才知道的游戏:那就是在一个虚构的王国泰罗比蒂尔里,他们作为国王和王后,一起统治着一群幻想中的臣民。他们在泰罗比蒂尔分享一切梦想和情感,直到有一天他和她不得不面临分离……