From the beginning of my practice I wanted to understand and express the nature of today's buildings.Contemporary buildings are containers of space and, given our building technology and standards, these containers need to be tight, efficiently sealed envelopes. I wanted the maximum artistic expression of these qualities.
The only way to achieve a consistent,total envelope is to do it in glass. Because buildings need windows, there is a certain percentage of the skin that has to be glass. If you want the building to be the one matenal, the only choice you have is glass. I have been moving over the years to be more inclusive in the use of materials and in exploiting their expressive potentials, while maintaining the intellectual integrity of their relationship to the nature of contemporary buildings.
The key to my being able to design responsive and responsible buildings while remaining faithful to our Modern condition is in the consistent relationship between the aesthetic system and the nature of the construction technology and systems with which we build.It's not that we have to express every line in a truss, but there has to be a correlation: a non-bearing wall should not look like a bearing wall. This has helped give intellectual continuity to my work.