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作者[美]马克·吐温(Twain.M) 著;斐然 译
WRITTEN at the end of Twain'scareer, Extracts from Adam'sDiary was first published in 1897and Extracts from Eve's Diary in1905. Twain's Adam was basedon himself while Eve wasmodelled after his wife Livy.
In Adam's Dairy, Mark Twainreinstated the Bible sayings thatSatan did not deceive Adam.Adam knew it was wrong to eatthe forbidden fruits, and yet heate. Mark Twain assumed thatAdam ate the fruits due to hishunger, instead of his love forEve.
Eve's Diary is a fancifulaccount of Eve, the first womanof the Bible. The diary beginswhen Eve is one day old. Soonshe discovers another humanbeing Adam, and takes tofollowing him around. Adamand Eve are now a loving couple~ and Eve ruminates on the nature of her love for Adam. She decides that she loves himbecause he is hers and he is masculine.
SAMUEL Langhorne Clemens(1835-1910), better known bythe pen name Mark Twain, wasan American author andhumorist. Twain is most notedfor his novels The Adventures ofHuckleberry Finn, which hassince been called the GreatAmerican Novel, and TheAdventures of Tom Sawyer. He isextensively quoted. During hislifetime, Twain became a friendto presidents, artists,industrialists, and Europeanroyalty.
Twain enjoyed immensepublic popularity. His keen witand incisive satire earned himpraise from both critics andpeers. American author WilliamFaulkner called Twain "thefather of American literature".
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