——《哈珀》杂志 Virgil M. Hillyer wrote this book over seventy years ago and it is still being recommended as excellent school curriculum today for Grade 5 students or above. Hillyer does a phenomenal job of making the art world interesting to children as well as to adults. He covers the major painters and art periods and then continues with sculpture and architecture. Painting—Topics include: caves, Egypt, palaces, vessels, Christian art, Renaissance, Rome, Flemish artists, portraits, the poor, impressionists, post-impressionism, Early Americans. Sculpture—Topics include: Egyptain sphinxes, Assyrain cherubs, athletic looking Greeks, natural human poses, miniatures, medals, busts, carved columns, reliefs, gargoyles, doors/gates, churches, animals, tombs, myths, Gods, heroes, symbolism, American President, memorials.
Architecture—Topics include: pyramids, temples, ancient culture, arches, columns, domes, decoration, cathedrals, mosques, homes, chateaus, tombs, symmetry, eras, bridges. An adult would receive an excellent overview of the arts by reading this book and it makes an engaging book for children to be introduced to the world of the arts.
《写给学生的艺术史》 维吉尔·M·希利尔(Virgil Mores Hillyer)1875年出生于美国马萨诸塞州韦茅斯,他在华盛顿特区的“国会山”度过其童年,毕业于美国哈佛大学。他是美国著名教育家、卡尔佛特学校首任校长、美国家庭学校(HOMESCHOOL)课程体系创建者。作为一位教育革新者,希利尔在美国国内和国际上获得了广泛声誉和影响力。他从事教育工作的同时,亲自为孩子们编写教材,在课堂上试讲并修订,受到学校和学生们的赞誉,不少教材至今仍被学校使用。如《美国学生世界地理》、《美国学生世界历史》、《美国学生艺术史》等。