Have you been to China? Now that China has become one of the greatest economic powers in the world, do you know anything about the rise of China, or specifically, how do those products made in China finally reach out to the supermarket you visit regularly, from anonymous to best-selling? Are you interested in their stories? This is exactly a book about how Chinese entrepreneurs bring their products to global consumers and how they make their brands known to consumers andinvestors. It is especially about, in the post-crisis era from 2008 up to now, how Chinese enterprises in some key sectors respond to the long-term impact of the crisis and manage to meet their growth targets. These first-hand stories may give you some contemporary knowledge of the most intriguing part of China's economic rise from a micro perspective, and the concepts proposed by these outstanding Chinese entrepreneurs, together with the details concerning how they live up to their business philosophies, will introduce you to the core values of China's market economy and its backbone, the entrepreneur spirit of China's pioneers of globalization.
Zhang Yaping, faculty member of the Institute of Communication Studies, Communication University of China, researcher of Business Brand Institute (BBI), majoring in the field of mass communication, brand communication, consumer and advertisement studies. This book contains the dialogues between the author and a number of outstanding Chinese entrepreneurs as well as some of the author's research on their enterprises and brands.
Preface Making Informed Calculations in the Post-Crisis Era R Happy Enterprise Walking in the “Cloud” Surviving the Crisis through Continued Brand Building Efforts Building Up a Strong Brand identity of a Chinese Company in the Post-Crisis Era Lost in Finance or Revived in Technology Lowering Cost and Sharing Profits with Customers By Innovation,a Company “Swims in the Winter” Seeking New Globalization Possibilities in M&A Opportunities Prudent Expansion Strategies Based on Risk Control The Light of Solar Energy Shines through the Darkness of Economic Recession From “Made in China” to “Designed in China” Financial Crisis Is the Opportune Time for Industrial Restructuring Weathering the Economic Winter with Profound Reflections on the Crisis and Confidence in the Future Love of the Nation and the Rise of National Brands Changed CEA, Saved CEA Core Competitiveness Comes from Core Technologies