壹 寻根 千角灯 传承千年的中国灯火 One-Thousand-Angle LanternA millennium-old Chinese fire 彩扎麒麟 传承东莞文化图腾 Colourful Kylin The cultural totem of Dongguan 莫家拳 武以载道 Mo‘s Boxing The tenets of martial arts贰 守艺 矮仔肠 舌尖上的东莞 一根“矮仔肠”里的烟火人间 Short SausageA bite of Dongguan 庾家粽 历尽沧桑的母亲的味道 Yujia Rice Dumpling Mom‘s specialty 新昌鼓 回响不绝的百年余韵 Xinchang DrumA century of soundwaves 莞香 香飘天地外,神守山水间 Aquilaria Sinensis Products The long-lasting fragrance, the blessed land 莞草编织 一根草编织出来的诗性生活 Straw Weaving A poetic life weaved by straws叁 唱念 INTANGIBLE CUL 木偶戏 生旦净丑,戏剧人生 Puppet Show Life is a drama 木鱼歌 漂洋过海的莞邑绝唱 Muyu Song Melody has no borders 粵剧 粤剧传承,铿锵前行 Cantonese OperaSolid steps ahead肆 赓续 麒麟舞 麒麟舞里的岁月如歌 KyliDance A tale of time 龙舟 龙的传人,舟的魅力 DragoBoat Legacy of the Dragon, Magic of the Boat 茶园游会 一场春季的流动盛宴 ChashaTemple FairGetting festive ispring 醒狮 鼓声起,雄狮跃 LioDance Jumpíng to the beat of the drum 作者介绍