本套教材属于旅游专业英语(English for Tourism Specific Purpose,ETSP)范畴,遵循应用语言学习规律与行业工作程序标准相结合的编写原则,采取图词配对、图表、小版块等多种形式使教材更加活泼易读,从视觉上减轻学生学习过程中的压力和疲劳感。本套教材上下册各有10个单元,各单元包括预习、对话、词汇和表达法、阅读文章、听说练习以及写作等模块。内容涉及旅游服务的三大核心环节(旅行社、饭店和旅游目的地)中的主要工作流程。
Unit 11 Meeting & Banquet Service 会议与宴会服务 Preview Basic Layouts of Meeting-Banquet Room Setups 会议-宴会厅布置风格 Dialog Ⅰ Booking a Meeting 会议预订 Dialog Ⅱ Introducing Meeting Equipment 介绍会议设施 Dialog Ⅲ Booking a Banquet 宴会预订 Dialog Ⅳ Serving a Chinese Style Dinner 中餐服务 Dialog ⅤServing the Western Style Banquet 西餐宴会服务 Reading Ⅰ A Function Sheet 会议餐饮预订单 Reading Ⅱ Meetings via Distance Conferencing 远程会议 Listening ⅠTypes of Banquet Service 宴会服务类型 Listening ⅡSending Faxes at the Business Center 在商务中心发送传真 Speaking ⅠHow to Offer Meeting Service 如何提供会议服务 Speaking ⅡAdvantages and Disadvantages of Popular AudioVideo Equipment 受到广泛使用的视听设备的优缺点 Simulated WritingHow to Write a Letter of Invitation 写邀请信
Unit 12 Exhibition Service 展览服务 Preview Terms of Exhibitions 展览用语 Dialog Ⅰ Booking an Exhibit Space 展览场地预订 Dialog Ⅱ Setting Up Booths 布展 Dialog ⅢSigning Up on the Phone 电话报名参展 Dialog Ⅳ Registering at the Exhibition 开展注册 Reading ⅠAn Exhibitor PreRegistration Form 参展报名登记表 Reading ⅡExhibit and Decorator\'s Charges 展览与搭展商费用 Listening ⅠCanceling Exhibit Registration 取消参展 Listening ⅡPlanning Itinerary for an Exhibit Trip 展览线路安排 Speaking Ⅰ How to Provide Exhibition Services 展览服务用语 Speaking Ⅱ Advantages and Disadvantages of Each Basic Type of Exhibit Booth 基本展台类型及其优劣势 Simulated WritingHow to Write an Invitation Card 写请柬
Unit 13 Health & Recreation Service 休闲康娱服务 Preview Types of Health and Recreation Facility 休闲康娱设施类型 Dialog Ⅰ Training a Beginner Golf Tourist 游客的高尔夫入门训练 Dialog Ⅱ Playing Bowling 打保龄球 Dialog Ⅲ Taking a Sauna Bath 桑拿浴 Dialog Ⅳ At the Swimming Pool 室内泳池 Dialog Ⅴ At the Barbers 理发/美发 Reading ⅠA Fitness Center 健身中心 Reading Ⅱ How to Take a Sauna Bath 如何洗桑拿 Listening ⅠAt the Night Club 在夜总会 Listening Ⅱ Reserving a Tennis Court 预订网球场 Speaking Ⅰ How to Serve Leisure Guests 如何为休闲游客提供服务 Speaking Ⅱ Safety Measures at the Health Club 康乐中心安全措施 Simulated WritingHow to Write a Notice 写通知 …… Unit 14 Shopping Promotion 商场促销 Unit 15 Local Tour Guide Service 地陪导游服务 Unit 16 Travel Destination Service 旅游景区(点)服务 Unit 17 Handling Problems & Emergencies 处理问题与突发事件 Unit 18 Handling Customer Complaints 顾客投诉处理 Unit 19 Checking Out 结账离店 Unit 20 Selling the Travel Market 旅游市场营销