TheCircus has already suffered a bad defeat, and the result was twobullets in a man's back. But a bigger threat still exists. And thelegendary George Smiley is recruited to root out a high-level moleof thirty years' standing - though to find him means spying on thespies. Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy is brilliant and ceaselesslycompelling, pitting Smiley against his Cold War rival, Karla, inone of the greatest struggles in all fiction.
John le Carre was born in 1931. His third novel, THE SPY WHO CAMEIN FROM THE COLD, secured him a wide reputation which wasconsolidated by the acclaim for his trilogy TINKER TAILOR SOLDIERSPY, THE HONOURABLE SCHOOLBOY and SMILEY'S PEOPLE. His other novelsinclude THE CONSTANT GARDENER, A MOST WANTED MAN and OUR KIND OFTRAITOR.